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Messages - Jimbo41


What sort of cheese do you use in them? It's quite strong...

 :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Jim N3130
Hi everyone!

With our (ahem) 26 stone combined weight, we automatically qualify for the "Tubbers Trophy"  :D
I'm starting to loose weight, but am a realist  :-/. We're not looking to sell our Tigress Nutty Shell, but are looking for a yot to add to the "German Fleet" that will carry (more than a little) more weight.

Mike Jackson said on the telephone yesterday that the only realistic thing would be to acquire a double-bottie Final Chapter. That way, with diminishing pounds (in both senses of the words) we'd be able to get just that little bit more lift to make a difference.

What do you jolly sailors think?

Jim N3130


Wot a "cheesy"+ question! (Greetings to Mike  ;D). Answer: No Way!!!  :o

Of course I've got to get a fleet* going so that some of you from Blighty will want to come over and have a bash at being beaten at your own game, but that will not happen overnight.... (Jolly good show - recapture India next Monday, what!). I'll have to convince "Higher Management" that it's worth the money.... It's like Bismark revisited, Queen Victoria.....

I'm currently training up Emma (9 years old and only 40 Kg) not to be scared when it blows. Then we'll be down to weight and ready......

Anyway, are you and Mike interested in coming over? (oooozing cheese and beer)...Tell your 12 friends too..... :K) :K) :K)

Got to go now - I've a general strike to suppress.....

First Lord of the Admiralty* Jim. (N3130)

P.S. After weekend blow, renaming yot "Tucking Fippy".... Please excuse ref. to Winston...
General National 12 chat / Re: PY
11 Jul 2006, 11:41

The 2006 handbook on page 10 says that then RYA only publishes one PY per class. This is, I believe, the corresponding  PY for number 3411+ (1995+ - double-botties) i.e. 1093.

Clubs have the option to use a series of yardsticks for club racing which is not extended to open meetings.

For example, an AC yot from approx. 1970-1980 (numbers 2512-3140) would have a PY of 1130.
Sail numbers 1-1599 (approx. years 1936-1958) have a recommended  PY of 1170 for internal club racing.

If you want the full list, give me an email and I'll scan it in for you as a pdf.


Jim (N3130).
General National 12 chat / Re: N3326
11 Jul 2006, 10:02
Hi Nigel and Wendy!

Talking to John Murrell on the phone a couple of days ago. He says he wants to revive the 12 fleet at Salcombe, so you are doing the right thing!! I'm looking for a 12 to keep at Kingsbridge, to do the same thing, perhaps sailing  once or twice a year. I've got 2 potential crew - my wife and daughter,so we'll see.
I gather you live in Kingsbridge?
I'm in Kingsbridge 12th -25th August at my parents'. Are you going to do the Salcombe week at that time? If yes, then I'll probably see you at the club (unfortunately without yot :'(-it's too far from Germany to trail for the week.). We'll just sail down in Dad's bilge keeler and drop anchor at Millbay and annoy those who have their 12s there.   :P

Good start in your nice yot!!!

Jim N3130 (Tigress, Nuttyshell)
Hi All!
Coming over to see the fleet race at Burton Week. Unfortunately, Nuttyshell has to stay at home...the drive would exhaust her.. so we're without a boat.  :'(

We want to just pop over for the day on the 22nd. for the Sir William Burton Cup itself and meet you all.

If it gets too "late" (hic!) to get back to Kingsbridge does anyone know if there's a nearby pub doing B&B or even B&B without a pub? Telephone number would also be a great help. It's difficult doing things long-distance even with the internet.

See you all in ( hopefully) sunny Cornwall!  8)

Jim, Martina and Emma B.

I'd go along, since the boat's truely over 25 years old. In any case, you've got to push the 12 Tigress scene for us - mine's 26 years old, but I won't make from Germany..  ;)


Jim N3130
General National 12 chat / Re: Shrouds
06 Jul 2006, 02:16
Kevan Bloor recommended a minimum kicker purchase of 16:1 for my Tigress.

As for lowers, we have dispensed with them, since the Kappa mast is laterally really quite stiff and we had no end of clutter and I didn't want Higher Management (The Crew) hanging things on them on a broad reach. No doubt we'll notice the difference when racing within the class, but in Bavaria you don't race against other 12s, at least not presently....... ;D This may change....


Jim N3130
I'm not complaining about my Tigress. She carries our weight well and that's saying something!

She also has quite a lot of righting moment - good when it suddenly starts to blow and you're a bit slow to get sitting out.You've got to watch it though. Due to her round bilge, I don't think she has the stability of the Tiger. In our first regatta we swam 4 times! (I think I'm going to rename her "Tucking Fippy" - It's better than "Betty Swallocks")  ;D

Jim N3130 Nuttyshell

Sorry Tim, have to take that back. Last minute reatives have just been booked in for this time. I'll see you at the club though, and good luck.


I'll do you a deal. Do you need a crew? If so I'm going to be over in the Salcombe Estuary at my parents' place in Kingsbridge. I'm flying in on the 12th August with my daughter and staying until the 25th. It's only a few miles from Salcombe. Would a mattress on the living room floor and a bit of breakfast be ok for a spot of crewing?

Jim N3130.
General National 12 chat / Re: N3326
05 Jul 2006, 08:17
Ok, Thanks for the info. Antony and Marcus

Jim N3130
General National 12 chat / Re: N3326
04 Jul 2006, 02:52

I've asked to see more pics, but she looks quite nice from the single photo. Any idea if the seller's in the association?

Jim N3130
Thanks for the info Dan. I am up to 460 Quid and will stop there I think.


Jim N3130 Nuttyshell
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