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Messages - Jimbo41

Mr. Phillips

Any pics?
Would it take a 24 stone (but thanks to fitness drive, falling) combined crew weight?

Jim N3130
Thanks lads!

I think I've got more than enough to try out. I have the feeling I should try out the older jib and see if the luff length is the same. I'll also try tensioning the leeward shroud - she was more than a bit more than panting. As for fotos, I haven't any head on, but I do remember that there was considerable lateral windward mast bend, which retrospectively, would affect pointing ability.

And lastly, Angus, a leaky transom is always better than a leaky bladder. The former fills but empties slower and the latter always fills quickly and empties  a wee wee  bit ( ouch! ) sooner than is desirable.... Also you can epoxy a leaking transom....  :P

Jim N3130
David! Thanks for your advice. I'll look into it as soon as I've solved a transient problem with a leaky transom!

Jim N3130
Hi folks!
After having got kitted out with a new set of Alverbanks, We noticed in a handicap regatta meeting that we weren't able to point nearly as well as all the other boats - the jib was backing the mainsail and also killing far too soon. Someone from the race committee with no previous experience with 12s suggested that our jib was too "baggy". Since I haven't had the boat for that long and have not yet attempted to tune it,  I was wondering whether other factors might have come into play. The Mast's a proctor C, she's a Tigress 3130 and she's got a mast ram but no lowers. To be honest, I also have the feeling that the outhaul can't cope with the length of the mainsail foot  from clew to "thingy".  There's nothing more frustrating than going out with the intention to win and ending up 14th out of 16 boots, half of which are classes which you should be able to thrash were the boat correctly tuned  >:(

Any help would be gratefully received. Good sailing to you all  :D

Jim N3130 (Nutty Shell)
Jon, I can only confirm what David and Keen have said.

Where I sail it's particularly shifty being relatively close to the Alps and we also get quite a lot of cyclonic weather. I sail a Tigress although not for long, (around a year). She's 26 years old, but a super type of boat for an inland stretch of water. You don't necessarily have to have a spanking new, carbon composite double bottomed boat to have fun and leave some other smart-alecs more-or-less gobsmaked (even without a spinachmaker....)  ;D

Don't expect instant results though. The 12 is highly responsive to rig changes of outwardly minor nature and - as the latest DVD shows - is quite difficult to handle at first.

Cheers and good hunting!

Jim N3130


No further info but you have a really interesting website. Keep up the good work on N1713!

Jim N3130
Thanks to both Mike D and Mikey C for the advice.

I have mine attached by the chord runing through it via a shackle to the jib clew. The dangly pole is not attached directly to the clew however, the jib sheets are also attached to the jib clew via the same shackle. I don't know any other way of doing it. I think tying the pole directly onto the jib would be a waste of time if for example, you were to want to head into wind. I also think you should try and reduce friction in your system. That way the pole should slide effortlessly up and down the chord. A bit like the soothing senation of a 27 year old Ardbeg going down the gullet after a day of wonderfully satisfying broad reaches.  8) (For all you South of Watford: for Ardbeg read Pimms...  (Oh and don't forget to pass the Quische, please).  :P)

Perhaps we should leave the question to the more technically minded. Anyone out there who knows more?

Angus, why not just lift the centreboard a little, and use as much Cunningham and Kicker as poss? That way you might loose your pointing ability but that alas, as I have found to my cost comes with age anyway  ;)

I discovered the virtues of a lifted centreboard the other day in winds of 3-4 Bft, or more to the point, due to having forgotten to lift the centreboard, we learnt the hard way! Early swimming in 10 Degrees Centigrade lake water! Brrrrrrr! :X

Jim N3130
Angus, you should have been quicker with the torpedos..... I have it on good authority that they also sort out Merlins, 505s, RS600s and 14s - if you can sight them quickly enough....

Down periscope and Dive Dive Dive....  :D :D :D :D

Jim N3130.

P.S. Good wind today (3Bft) but I've got some work to do on the ol' gal since the starboard plank to the thwart's come away a wee bit from the hull.... (An epoxying we will go.... (To the tune of "Nuts in May"))
I remember going out in the Mirror with my Dad when I was 8 years old at Salcombe. A bloke passed by in a Yawl and gave us a wave, whilst we we struggling on a tight reach (no toestrap days - Mirror 14114). He asked us if everything was alright. Dad bravely said "yes thanks"  and luckily we could feather off enough wind to avoid a capsize. I asked Dad who the man was and he just said "Oh, that's Stan."

Incidentally, Stan was really into Yawls, as was his Dad, who also raced in Salcome Estuary. Stan had something to do with the construction of the first moulds for the Devon Yawl class, from a boat (SY 19?) that won the first race held outside the harbour. It is said he gave them 15 coats of varnish to make sure they were really perfect.

Thank goodness I just sail on a big inland lake. The only thing I've got to watch out for is the passenger steamer's rather large wake.....
Tell me angus, do you have a periscope fitted permanently to your China Doll? I know it isn't expressly forbidden in the class rules and in my case especially, I think it wouldn't be a bad idea  ;D

Jim 3130

Y not post the article on our website? I'm sure we still have the original rights - haven't we?

Jim N3130.
Hi Folks!
I'm going to do a bit of both - increase the size of the laterally and add a smallish one abaft, thanks to Rolly Mo's ideas!

Cheers one and all!!!!!

Jim N3130.

P.S. going to rename Yot "Tucking Fippy"  ;D
Wonderfully innovative lot we Admirals are..... Must make life with a double bottom yot seem very boring... :P. (Pass the screwdriver love, oh, and where's that pot of varnish?) Just got to redo the thwart starboard attachment to the hull. Standing on the centreboard to right her the other day I heard an ominous "Crack". Must see how to get a screw in without going through the hull....

Jim N3130
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