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Messages - Jimbo41

So now we all know. Oh my!!!  All I did was get a little excited about the prospect. Of course, I'm new to the scene and no expert....   :-/

My enthusiasm has reached an all time low... I'm having an attack of the (Midnight) Blues....  :D

Richard, what would be more useful to know is if it might be worth bidding for....  You're the expert - hazard a guess   :P

Jim N3130
Just been browsing and seen "Cool Runnings" for sale in Ebay....

At the mo there are two bidders @ 350 quid....... Hmmmmmmm.

Jim  N3130.
I had been dreading this day. The overboom cover for my Tigress had finally become so full of rips and tears that no amount of tail tape would close the gaps.

Noting that in GERMANY everything tailor-made for sailing is (almost) as expensive as the membership fee of a first-class golfclub, I decided to bite the bullet and go online to Pinnell & Bax. In order to clarify the situation regarding their N12 overboom covers, I rang their number and talked to Richard. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that they still have templates for many of the older designs, Tigresses included! So, with credit card in hand, the deal was done.
I now await a somewhat large parcel on my doorstep, hopefully earlier than in the season of him with the white beard and red jacket with matching trousers (blessed be his name to all children under the age of eight).

So, fellow admirals, if you wish to look flashy whilst going for the Burton, take note...

Jim N3130

(Richard, I might add, although an Enterprise sailor, has the redeeming quality of being a closet 12 admirer, especially owing to Tom Stuart's latest acquisition. Mayhaps we have the making of a convert..... ;D)
I also think it would be great to get picture of all our boats.

John, I know how hard work it is to literally get my daughter (also Emma) off horses and into sailing. I'm finally succeeding.... I didn't have to change her name though.....

Jim N3130.

Hmmmm. I have had the same problem.

Where have all the N12's gone?

PLEASE, bring them back  :'(

Jim N3130
Must be great to be out on open water. I can't wait to get Nutty Shell back out there...  ::)

Are you based in the U.K. Tim, or have you decided to leave "perfide Albion" for somewhere more napoleonic?

Jim N3130
Hi folks!

If the lake's frozen over, how do you pass the time?
Answer: go ice sailing! Yesterday I managed 60 Knots in a DN (Detroit News 5 Sqm sail on 3 runners, carbon mast and boom) on a broad reach of 1.5 Km. ..... Amazing!!! Ok. it's not the same as sailing, but it is fun...You don't notice how fast you are going until you check the GPS.... ;D

To see what our lake looks like go here:

Jim N3130

Hi sam!

Never raced against 12s. I'm in the middle of Bavaria, Germany after having bought Nutty Shell last year from someone in Manchester. Sailing's good here - I've a lake with 8 nautical miles! (Ammersee). As for delicate construction, can't complain. Got to patch up a few stress cracks in the round bilge near the jib fairleads and seal off the transom with epoxy though.

Nutty Shell sails well and can compete with Pirates, lasers and Korsairs. Gets many wolf-whistles because of her "Sofia Lauren" curves :)). Starts to spread her wings in Bft. 2.  I got a yardstick for the lake recently. They took the Portsmouth of 1136 for N12 A/C boats of that age, and cross-referenced with a Europe, having an equal Portsmouth Yardstick since this is also sailed in Germany. A bit hit-and-miss, but I ended up with 116 for the Ammersee. It's a bit academic, since I'm far too heavy with 14 stone (unless I sail singel handed!!!!). Another option would be to train my 8 year-old daughter up to crew..... I'll send her off to the ICC in Salcombe to get her fit.....

At the moment, the lake's frozen, so I'm sailing on ice at another nearby lake. I'll send you a few pickies if you like. my dream of course is to entice a few N12 sailors over, but it's a bit of a long way for the weekend!!!

Jim N3130 (Nutty Shell)
Hi Sam!
Good to see another Tigress has survived 25 years! I wonder how many are still being sailed. Would be good to find out - don't you think?


Tigress N3130 (Nutty Shell)
Naturally, no offence was meant to you Mike.

However, if I renamed N3130 "Pastisch" and turned up with her for Burton Week, she'd have to have a pie crust rig and be filled with diced meat and veg! (Or was it pilchards and fairmaids?)

(Incidentally, I'm sure that's not what they're going to dish up at Pitsford)

Jim 3130 Big Issue with (single) pie crust bottom.

Jane, I'm looking at things from a distance here, but even at this distance WTF sounds like WTF to me. I mean I think what Mike meant was "Weigh the Fridge!"

At  32 quid a nose they must have a lot of food in it.....

So let's try and be generous shall we? After all it is our 70th....

Personally we would love to come over and meet you all, but we'd not only have to find a babysitter, but also a flight....  :'(

Jim N3130
One question - where are the sails?

Also, given the average size of water, your proposed design seems to be a bit too big to be used in the Gill Series, unless we make an exception and have the Forties as a venue....

One thing in its favour though is the distinct lack of a daggerboard - noone can winge about saviing a couple of kilos on displacement. Another worrying aspect seems to lie in the use of a motor as an (auxillary) method of propulsion...

Over to Mr. Aardvaark for his opinion.....

Jim N3130
Ken, thanks for the Info.

Jim N3130
Does this mean that any sail used previously and not conforming to the proposed rule will disqualify the boat concerned? This would be unusual and worrying for me since backend 2005 I ordered a set of Alverbanks based on 1990 measurements for my Tigress N3130.

Jim N3130 (Nutty Shell)
I'm going to ask Kevan Bloor (Alverbanks sails) about it. It was mentioned in the AGM minutes of August, but to tell you the truth, I didn't understand a word.....

Jim. (N3130)
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