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Messages - Jimbo41

Hi Mikey C!
Do you think your lifting rudder assembly would fit or might be adaptable to fit a Tigress? If so I'd be very interested in buying, since our lake (Ammersee near Munich) is a little shallow sloped and it takes an age to get out to fixed rudder depth in the few places where one can privately launch.

Jimbo41 N3130  email

PS. The Germans on the Ammersee are really quite interested in getting to know the N12, especially since I told them it's a development class. The few who have crewed for me are really smitten by her fast turning and sail to weight ratio.... Early days yet however......
David! Thanks for the info. Sounds like 3130 is a perfect match for the Bavarian lakes, where wind only very occasionally touches 5-6.

 I'll be over mid August to stay with family in kingsbridge. Plenty of sailing to be had in the Bag and Widegates before braving it over the Bar!
Hopefully the boat's in good nick....

See you on the water..... :)

Jim Bretherick.
Hi folks! I'm interested in buying an N12 with regestration number 3150 or 3130 (I think) from Photo. It's advertised as a Tigress, and is a mid eighties boat, so that might help someone identify her if the number doesn't tally. (Apologies to anyone who owns either of these numbers, 'cos the photo's not easy to interpret). Anyone know about the boat's history? I've heard that the Tigress is a good all-rounder. Is this the case? :) Any advice greatfully received.

I've been living in Munich for the past 15 years and now I'm going to import one of these beauties and show the Bavarians how to really do it on the lakes! :)
P.S. Down in Salcombe in time for August Regatta, but just want to get used to her, so don't expect me to participate! Hope to see some of you there.
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