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Messages - darebarry

I have just retro fitted a foil to John Thorntons craft. Might be worth you having a look as to how it works.
Dare barry
General National 12 chat / Weymouth SC
23 Jul 2013, 02:02
I was in Weymouth yesterday, it was interesting to see 40+ Ospreys launching from Weymouth SC in the harbour. Would make a good Burton Week venue!!
In the end have decided to bring 'The Ginger Pudding' out to play. Hope there will be some other wooden craft to keep us company. All we need know is a bit of sun and a bit less wind and rain than last year. See you at Brixham Dare
Has to be the Cat.

David. Re your comment, yes the T Foil sits very well on the MoW. When Composit Craft were developing their foil they used the current Pudding to help develope..

Cheers Dare
Try reading page 36 of the 12 handbook.
Boats / Re: N1002 Amante
09 Apr 2012, 05:52
After a winter of taking the old girl to bits work is now moving forward. When I got Amante home I removed the keel, took out the C/B case and removed all the old varnish inside and out. Today put in the last of 18 new ribs on the port side, once I got the steam box boiling not to much of a problem. I aim to use as much original timber as possible but the broken ribs had to be replaced. Start to put in 10 new ribs on other side and then the C/B case can go back in.
One point not made is that the 12 does not have a dagger board. Hit the bottom with a center board and at worse you will only slow up. Also for £20/30 it is easy to make a center board so yes have a home board of shorter length and a full length one for the sea.
Dare Barry
First things first you need to clear the problem area of the non slip to see what is going on. You will then have 2 options. 1. Remove the veneer and replace, should not be to dificult 2 or if you dont want to remove wood try cleaning back to clean wood, warm with a hair dryer and then epoxy. The warm wood should soak in the epoxy and glue the split edges together.Whan you have applied the epoxy cover with polythene and apply presure to any areas that have lifted. Hope that might help .
Dare Barry. N3521 
Hi. Firstly keep the paint/varnish in the house, I use the airing cupboard ready for use. Yes do not use a parafin stove, I got that teashirt many years ago. But if you cat build a poly tent over the boat and provide local heat that will help. You will find that most paints give advice as to temp.
Good luck
Dare Barry  
Hi Tim. If you want to give me a call would be happy to chat over your problem 01983 529901.
Dare  N3521 The Ginger Pudding
The first Burton I sailed in was in 1965 @ Thorpe Bay sailing 1057 Impudent. Since then I have owned 17 boats, building 14 Puddings and taking most of them to Burton weeks. Burton week is a great sailing /social event and I hope to sail a few more with Emily before the rudder falls off.
Dare Barry & Emily Gall sailing the Ginger Pudding N3521
Boats / Re: N1002 Amante
25 Aug 2011, 08:55
Amante now lives on the Isle of Wight at the home of Pudding Boats. Next year will be her 60 birthday and the plan is to sail her then. It will be an interesting project.
Hi Sam It would be good to see you. Have you still got your gorilla outfit for the fancy dress?
Cheers Dare 
Are you coming to the Burton? I am sure Janet,and the Chairman would love to have your entries sooner that later. I know from the year that I was envolved there is a lot ot do that relates very much to number of entries. So if you have filled in your entry but just not posted answer Kevan's call. We will be there again in the Ginger Pudding, will there be any other Pudding boats joininn us?
Dare N3521 The Ginger Pudding  
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