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Messages - Little Bo

Weather forecast looks good!  

Bring your pennies along - Yvonne has passed me a supply of Polo Shirts to sell at the open meeting,

Although it doesn't count towards the Old Spice series, Yorkshire Ouse SC will be holding their annual 'Winter Sail' this Sunday (8 January).  Contributed buffet after sailing - come along to race or to socialise!  Racing starts at about 11.30am.

As the event can be subject to cancellation due to adverse river conditions competitors are advised to contact Bernard Clark or Ian Purkis on Friday or Saturday evening to confirm arrangements.

Here's to a great year of sailing,

Jennie, Bernard and Ellie
Sounds fantastic but what a shame it takes place for 3 days of 'half term'.  I guess there will be a few folk who, like us, will have the dilemma of choosing between himself having 3 days of sailing and all of us then having a very brief holiday together (sorry, but I don't fancy a week at Pittsford!) or missing the celebrations and having a week of holiday.  Holidays are so precious that I suspect N3447 won't make it to the bash.  Will do our best to support the stand at the Dinghy Show - what a fantastic opportunity to show the class off to the rest of the dinghy world.

N3447's other half