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Messages - Jimbo41

Quote from: 86That doesn't sound great.
Here's to a speedy recovery.


Absolutely! Gute Genesung. Get well soon!
General National 12 chat / Re: Bristol?
04 Apr 2008, 08:46
Quote from: 47:'(Sadly the physio fixing my back says it would be foolish for me to sail at the weekend so another week goes by....
Have a great time all.

I know how you feel David. I have a deep chunk out of  my lower calf. Quack says I won't be sailing for 3-4 weeks :-/. I'd love to prove him wrong.....
Quote from: 112Oh Jimbo - you need to go to an optician!
There are many more Street Legals floating about........................... I should know, I had one of them- but thats another story! Sadly not one of the best Twelves ever produced. From memory the story goes that the mould was built in a damp autumn in south London out of  B&Q's best light weight plywood and transported up to Parkers in the rain. Unsuprisingly it warped a bit! Parkers did their best to straighten it up but I know that mine was definatelty asymmetric when Mac and Chris measured it, not only that but the rise of floor was out on one side; need I go on?
The boat that Kean is refering to is / was 3116 and owned by Mark Samson, he was working at ICC in Salcombe during the summer of 2006. I am not sure if the boat is still alive but I will try to find out.

On  revision, you're dead right there Yoda! My dad says it was probably the effects of the "local" I needed on stitching my calf yesterday. Took a chunk out whilst training on a cross-trainer. Result: looking at 2 weeks downtime but more time to do some boat repairs +/- annoying but neutral in a way ::)
Good luck on your quest DHD!
The handbook record shows that there was only one Street Legal built. The number is 3069. Perhaps Grazz can give you the details of "Marcus", the fella who was trying to get rid of it and maybe he can help you find whoever bought it. If it hasn't been sold it would be a great shame to send it to Valhalla :-/
Jim N3470 and N3130, laid up with a chunk out of my left calf muscle - Ouch!
Come on grazz, 
The only time I've seen you come a cropper was when you almost submarined in one of the videoclips.  As an expert 12 sailor it's important to show newbies like myself how to get out of scrapes and if you spend all your time avoiding disaster then you'll know precisely how to precipitate it...
Anyway, it'd be good to have something a little more accessible showing you getting your hair wet...:P I say this knowing that we'd be the ideal candidates for this "award", but we're unfortunately too far away for a camera team to come down for the weekend????? The offer however, stands! (Momentary wind speed at ESC is 12 knots, but water temperature 3°C - Brrrrrrr!)
Quote from: 154Looks just like Teignmouth in a wind against tide situation. No probs!

Looks like about now on the South Coast - go for it Ted!
;D;D Jim ;D;D
"Mystery" was meant to be ironic and I agree entirely with you Ted. Not that it makes me feel any better...:-/ Not only do ISAF screw up at the Olympic level, they can be a perfect pain-in-the-whatsit when it comes to trying to formulate class rules to their standards (eg. how's a measurement made etc., etc). 
On a different tack, how's about a foiling Optimist as a way into the foiling scene? Like someone putting a 40 HP outboard on a matchbox? ;D
Jim :P
Here's the link for more information (hope it works this time). Sorry the news is not good. Why the ISAF decided to exclude boat classes which account for between 10-30% of all competitive non-keelers is a mystery.
I've got one for sale if you're interested. True to the Argentinians in the pics she's called Wavefunction. My daughter's getting the Tigress (Nuttyshell N3130) that I'm currently restoring. I've promised her I'd teach her to helm...:o
Jim (N3470, N3130, Mirror 14114 before they turned "K", Optimist GER9846, I think, pant, pant, oh yes, crew for Dart18 Ger...;D)
Quote from: 112And the one thing I forgot was entries....................................................
Those who know the Salcombe set up will realise that entrying in advance saves everyone a lot of hassle!!!! We don't charge extra for entries on the day but if you can let me at least know you are coming it helps to make sure that:

b) and most importantly, we have enough beer and food to keep everyone happy!

As long as you're not doing the cooking yourself Yoda!
Jim ;D
Quote from: 154Appreciate all the additional costs involved for the Association in having a second boat on the stand, but would be happy to volunteer N341 (80 this year) for the stand next year if it was felt the venture was justified to promote the activities of the Vintage fleet. Will cover transport costs too if it helps. Tim

Tim, one question: if the Twelves have a history of 72(?) years, how come N341 is 80 years old this year? I think there were some previously existing boats "merged" into the class that had been built prior to Gypsy N1, but not that they were already 10 years old when N1 was built. Surely shome mistake? Sorry just picking nits.... ;)
Jim (too young at the time :P)
Quote from: Antony (Guest)
Sam Childs - for the work on the new DVD (there are copies for sale) and getting over there on Saturday morning.
Jeremy - for a great new T-shirt design and for the delivery service.

How might one obtain a copy of the DVD? The last one was available via the website. I still watch it.....eyes glued to the screen. :)
Quote from: 97just been checking the Merlins web site 

How dare you!!!!:P
Jeremy, have sent you an order - can't make it to BW as it clashes with the Dart 18 Worlds this year (10th - 15th August, Workum NL). :-/
Hi Mikey!
Just watch your carbon footprint! ;D
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