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Messages - RogerBrisley

Hi Tim

Did you change the arrangement on your design 8 or did you leave the std SS strop? (I still sail with a Proctor C mast if that makes any diff to your answer.


Thanks Yvonne,  as usual super pics under quite offputting conditions, and great to have them available before the experience has faded (I was certain the waves were bigger than that!).

Some details asap would be appreciated - I can then let my crew (non family) know when to arrive and whether she will need to travel independently to meet another commitment in the early evening.



Who's up for this then?  I am and am also getting encouraging noises from the rest of the family so hopefully won't have to post desparate notices wanting crew.

Can any body give me an idea of where people stay (camp, B & B....) and what sort of program there is likely to be?


Thankyou Vince and Ian for a very pleasant bit of river sailing,   only comment is if its as hot as this next year can you arrange a "half way house" as can be found on some golf courses?  Its partly the Cruisers fault,  but I found the siren call of a cold drink almost too much and Phil ,  well I almost had to drag him back into the boat as we went past some!



bing!! back to the top as they say!

Still neeed a crew for Naburn on Sunday!

Ring me on 01642 701 904



Is there anything in the class rules to say I MUST have a crew?

Unfortunately it's rather a long way and I shall be Paddling at Naburn - need to qualify again this year for the Northerns -  instead.  Sounds like a wonderful venue so trust every body has a good time but whatever please put a note in your dairies to do the inlands at Scaling Dam 30/9+1/10th... if any body needs more info please let me know.... Graham knows where we are,  seen him there before!


Crew needed for Naburn Paddle next weekend 10/11 june,  though i probably only want to do sunday (no discard!),  please give me a call,  numbers in the book,  or thru these hallowed pages

Roger Brisley

General National 12 chat / Re: weight
01 Jun 2006, 09:42

The man who might know when our scales were last calibrated is Keith Whitfield - a measurer for the gp 14'sand a member at SDSC,  or try Judy Armstrong or Andy Young. Sam will be able to put you in touch.

However I like Mikes idea - seems very simple & sensible and likely to be as accurate as the scales/

A good place to start with weight loss is the boom - unmeasured weight - as well as helm and crew!

I'm sure more ideas will come to light


How did you get on at Northampton?
What times are proposed for the starts on saturday and sunday? ( sunday is only 2 Gills?)

Will be there but need to time my run out / home to maximise Brownie points for further travelling!

Also need a crew.... Please ring,  numbers in the book

Roger B


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