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Messages - THG

General National 12 chat / Re: Bristol?
04 Apr 2008, 06:33
M5 is better - moe miles but miles faster!!!  From the M32 junction I'd say it was more like 50 - 60 mins to BCYC its much further than you think plus a small cross country bit at the bottom.
As a reminder the fleets will be split into Gold, Silver and Bronze.
[face=Times New Roman]Jon Brown, Graham Camm, Antony Gifford, Frances Gifford, Ian Gore, Jon Ibbotson, John Meadowcroft, Paul Pelling, Steve Sallis, Tom Stewart, John Thornton and Richard Williams.[/face]
[face=Times New Roman]Gavin Willis, Jo Richards, Will Henderson, Chris Mayhew, Caroline Martin, Steve Norbury, Phil David, Kevin Iles, Bruce Johnson, Nigel Playford, Matt Stiles, Mike Storey, Keri Harris, Andy Bayliss, Sam Mettam, David Peacock, David Wilkins, Jerry Garner, Brian Kitching, Mike Day, John Cheetham, Mark Simpson, Mike Shallow, Tim Laws, Mike Hoyle, Dare Barry, Steve Adshead[/face]
These are as advised in the previous 'Latest Chapters' and may be subject to change.
I'm looking after scoring and results for Gill series 2008 to relieve Kevin duties of updating.
General National 12 chat / Re: Bristol?
01 Apr 2008, 07:23
Saw the forecast at;
tried to paste in the weather map but didn't work :-/ Bristol tends to be wet n'windy - but its a nice place 2 sail.
Will be in Gavs Baggy Sunday ;D as mine ain't ready :'(
General National 12 chat / Re: Bristol?
31 Mar 2008, 10:03
Forecast for Saturday is 5 celcius max and a Force 5 NW - typical BCYC weather then - based on last couple of years!!!  Will have to wait and see............
Looks like perfect 12 weather ;) force 4-5 and wet :-/ ????? - will have to make final decision but would be nice to get back yachting again - bathroom is nearly finished!!
Anyone want a qty of Karndean vinyl floor tiles - white marble - look very nice laid out.
Boats / Re: N3329 Sir Gawain
26 Mar 2008, 05:21
Sailed at Corus sailing club, Feb 2008 (according to results) by D.Downs.
Yes - still at SCSC but not done any sailing for a while....
Rupert Whelan is the guys name - rupert.whelan"at" is his email - can't find a number as I usually see him at the school playground!!  Will get it sorted must be 77xxxx.
Won't have a boat for training as I still need to do a bit of bimbling in mine - ready for Bristol.
Whats the plan for the try a boat out - can I turn up without a crew and have a go?  Will be dependent on weather but hope to be there late morning ish.
There was a Street Legal 'sold' - I think almost given away a few months ago - not sure what number - I think Marcus ? was trying to fnd a quick home or take it to the dump :o :o :o
There's a local boat repairer in our village (west of swindon) - doesn't advertise but does work for others such as Lynall boats.  Mainly does up older wood boats and very reasonable if its not an insurance job.
Hope you get it fixed up soon.
Wait a couple of weeks - always tends to be windy at Bristol ;D should be some swimming done then.
looks like if you book the right accomodation at Teignmouth you just open the front door and step into the boat :o ;D
Pretty dramatic pics on the BBC last night - hope all is well down there for everyone
N3143 is already quick when Matt was sailing her!
Tim - hope you're not planning on cutting up the new mast in the same way as the photos here show ;)
Should the breaks for the series like vintage, 4 plank, AC use the breaks as defined by the PY suggested handicaps?  That way all boats deemed to have the 'same' handicap could race together.
There may be the odd bandit in amongst them but would seem a logical way to link both together...
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