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Messages - Antony

Anybody coming to Aldeburgh please take note:

As you drive down the gravel driveway towards the river and the clubhouse please take the left fork up onto the sea wall.  At the far end of the dinghy park is a roadway down off the seawall that will give you access to the area that has space for us, and a less congested slipway.

STOP PRESS:  New (and anonymous) sponser steps in with prizes for the first AC boat.  Will anybody show up to challenge the Chalkers and Garners for this one?  Likely to be more booze.....

I can vouch for those sentiments, it is an excellent week and one that the Gifford family fully intend to participate in again in the future.  

Downside:  It can feel a bit early.
Upside:  All day with the rest of the family in one of my favourite parts of the UK coastline.

Finally booked accomodation, now really looking forward to it!!  I can recommend the Knaresborough Tourist Information on 0845 389 0177 who sorted us out with somewhere family friendly.

Anybody still undecided about coming to this one I can assure that Team Roly Mo have ensured that you will not have a spare minute of your time there to wonder if it is enjoyable, between the sailing, the social and the potential to watch others make fools of themselves it will be non stop fun.

On a more serious note, I am concious that it is hard to promote this event to non-members.  If any of you have other 12s at your home club and they are not members then please tell them that this is an event that they would be very welcome at, and one that will have a large number of 12s of all ages and abilities (I am talking about the helms, crews, and boats!).

Details for Aldeburgh are as follows:
4 races, 3 to count.  

1st start 13.30, 2nd back to back to start shortly after the last club race starts.  HW is at 13.26.  

1st start 11.00, lunch at 12.15 and 2nd race at 13.30 for a 3pm prize-giving.  HW is at 14.08.    

A group trip to the Fish & Chip Shop at about 6ish including the little children, parents, grandparents etc?   For those not 'in the know' this is one of the best F&C shops in the UK, according to people more expert in the subject than I am.

I have already got a pretty impressive list of attendees, and a good number of both DB and AC boats.  No excused, get the boat on the water..........

On one evening when we get ashore there will be a sponsered barrel of beer, and on the Burton Cup day there will be the now traditional Pimms.  If anybody wants to get a consortium together to sponsor another night then let me know .............

Mark Rushall has now been confirmed for Monday, with a morning briefing and an evening de-briefing planned.

More details to come shortly, feel free to send Janet your entry form........

More to come, but I can confirm that Mark Rushall will be there to do some training again.

In addition we will have our two top sailmakers, Tom Stewart of P&B and Kevan Bloor of Alverbanks, in attendence with plenty of advice and help with tuning.

I think that one thing people do not appreciate is that Burton Wk is not just for experts to fight it out for the big prizes.  The fact that it is spread over a week means that theere is plenty of time to get help with your set up, advice on how to sail the boat, and time in the boat to practice with what you pick up on shore.  This means that in some ways it is the best place for an intermediate level 12 sailor to come to improve.

See you all there!  More details shortly........

If you are coming but have not yet entered can you either:
1.  Enter or,
2.  Drop me an email so that we can plan with more accurate numbers.

Chairman, NTOA
Clare is now taken for this weekend.

Frances has 'volunteered' to help the Firefly sailors organise the games, so come prepared for a lot of fun on the lawn after the sailing is over on Saturday.

Can I be there when you try?

Not yet, but Meds is on the case and should know soon.  It will be mid-late August on current plans, after both NWNW and Salcome YC Regatta.

Thank you for passing that on David.  It is very sad to lose such a character.  I will never forget my first attempt to get something check measured by her at a Burton Wk (probably '98 when she came out of retirement as we were local to her).  Suffice to say that we ended up doing the check her way!

I doubt that the mast has changed too much over its life, except that it probably looks scruffy.  The obvious thing to do is to buy new sails and see how that changes things. When we are sailing a lot we have a new suit every year.  Longer-term if you want to push up the fleet in 2008 then it is worth considering what kind of new boat you would like, as the lead times are very long at the moment.

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