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Messages - duncan

General National 12 chat / video clips
24 Dec 2007, 03:03
Many thanks all, I have just aquired an old 2nd hand blade & I will try shortening for light winds, will nibble away at it each week.  Quite agree that a short blade in windy weather is tricky, don't want a high speed capsise & inversion.  
We have a depth of about 6 ft for most of the loch with long weed by the end of the summer, which long rudders/cbs catch on.  Wish the environmentalists would stop the farmers using so much fertiliser which just washes off into the river & loch.   Duncan
Boats / Re: N3024 Smiling Tiger
23 Nov 2007, 08:08
& there was me thinging that it was the R H(ighland) YC racing round Mull in winter !! Duncan :K)
A thief in Paris planned to steal some paintings from the Louvre. After careful planning, he got past security, stole the paintings and made it safely to his van.

However, he was captured only two blocks away when his van ran out of gas.

When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious error, he replied, "Monsieur, that is the reason I stole the paintings. I had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh."

(and you thought I didn't have De Gaulle to send this on to someone else.)

Well, I figure I have nothing Toulouse.  

 Sacrebleu, as my Marseille, these froggy jokes send you in Seine !.
General National 12 chat / dangly pole
18 Jul 2007, 04:04
I shall hopefully attending, apart from lacking a crew which I understand is an essential part of the boat.  From sailing years ago, I remember most crews were attached to the boat so that they couldn't be hijacked or stolen, is that still the case ?
Seriously, if anyone wants to crew please let me know, & maybe even contest last place on the water.
Duncan  3024
Ken, many thanks for your reply about 3024 (Smile).  I would be interested in any photos etc, are they available for e-mail ?  Thanks Duncan
Would like to attend, however meeting the prototype of my car at Glamis Castle is taking precidence this year.  The boat is 15 years newer than the tow car !   Both working  well & very environmentally friendly.  Hope to be next year.  
Duncan 3024
Boats / Re: N2769 Barrow Boy
19 Jun 2007, 11:14
seen at Largs Sailing Club, Ayrshire, not sure if still actively sailed.
re climbing the topper mast, saw that at a Sonata nationals I attended many years ago, which was jointly sponsored by a whisky company & the milk board.  It certainly woke up some of the crew (if they actually knew what they were doing) before going out to race.  Like the idea sending the kids up, would save on showers when the kids are told to do a 360 roll.  Duncan
General National 12 chat / Smile 3024
04 Jun 2007, 04:34
Hi All
Recently bought the above Tiger, sailing at Castle Semple (Ayrshire/Renfrewshire) & would like to know any history for the boat.  Bought it from Sam near Bolton but don't knoe if he was a member.
Thanks Duncan
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