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Messages - FuzzyDuck

And don't forget to vote for our own calender!
21mph force 5....lovely
Planning on 2 boats from Up River attending
Carefull Gerald you need to know where the shallows are with those dagger rudders!
Yep Saturday only
Hi Paul, New mobile, lost your number.
Are you bringing Gillespe over to the Up River open on Saturday?
So anyone else other than Kevin?
Perhaps its all to do with how your mind works.
Having been in sales all my life a 100mile journey is just down the road. I remember the days when I would go to Rover in Birmingham for a morning meeting and being back in Essex just after lunch!
The offer was aimed at our Friends from Up North who want to come down for the weekend, they are welcome to stay. Its shorter than driving home!
Hope to see you here on the 19th as it is 'local' for you!
3009 is on Ebay finishing tomorrow. The last of its kind......
would be tempted but just started major extension and promised no more boats till its done.
Its time to come to this pretty corner of Essex and try your hand a tidal river racing.
Think you are good enough? Then come on down.
Saturday 19th September. start of first race 12 noon.
2 races, with Lunch break inbetween, both to count for the overall prize. As usual there will also be a prize for the first AC boat.
Lunch is provided within the entrance fee.  I would tell you what this is but Penny hasn't done the maths yet, however it is unlikely to be much more than £6 to £7.00.
Please help out by indicating here if you are planning to attend and Penny can work out the maths!
If you want to stay over and do some River racing at Henley on the following day let us know and we can arrange camping at the club.
Matt and I have been sailing with an excess of 25 stone in the boat for a couple of years now. Last year in the Crusader 3413 with some reasonable results and this year in the Man-o-War 3470. Even managed to lead a race ot Leigh and Lowton in very light wiinds, albiet very briefly before normal service resumed.
We only really notice it in marginal planeing conditions, the rest of the time the problem is the nut loose on the tiller.
Have to say though the Man-o-War is significantly faster round the course than the Crusader was.
I would say go for the Super Bouncer. You won't find a nicer boat or class to sail in.
3470, ex 3413 & 3230
Sorry cannot make it. As much as I tried to get out of the trip I have to travel to the USA Saturday. Have a great time.

well done Martin, starting the fleet nicely. Some way to catch Tim though....
Martin, may I congratulate you on your recent purchase and may the vintage fleet welcome you with open arms.
PS: Hope she floats!