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Messages - janeysailor12

Hmmmmmmm....beein re-reading all this stuff....again!!!......What about measuring how fast a 12 goes to windward????  or are'nt we bothered about that?

SORRY!!!!!! reply was to Mike C (ook)  not you honey!!....alway was terrible at names

Quote  "The other half is making them go faster... I would like to get all my funs worth, not just half of it thanks!"
Which is why I also sail a B14 Angus!!! I too like going fast, and I've always felt the 12 is under canvassed, mabe that's an answer if the class would allow???  Probably not!!

Jimbo..... the Crusader is not neglected LOL!!!  ;)  She was actually sailed 2 weeks ago at our local club where it was sooooo windy ALL we did was plane!!  It was more a case of stopping her rather than getting her going!!!  The B may be fast...but that little Minx (the 12) certainly has her moments!

Me too Angus!!  (The hot chock that is)...having read EVERY POST on this thread (just to assure those who think I have'nt and therefore missed a point) I can't see that anything conclusive can be proved by this excersise.  I think (for what it's worth) you can only get reasonably accurate results by using "real" people in fully rigged boats sailing under "real" sailing conditions (wind and waves).  And even then there are sooooo many "other" factors that cause a N12 to get up and plane.  As for using the results to help someone who's new to the class make an informed decision as to what hull shape to invest in, I can only see it will confuse people even more, no boat is all things to all men (or women) and to possibly aim to produce a good all rounder in the 12 calss is surely putting the preverbial tin lid on the "developement" class issue.  Surely that's half the fun of the class, buying a 12 and LEARNING how to make the most of it's best features, and improving it's worst ones!  But HEY!!!  if all you boffins want to do this "trial" and it would seem some of you are, then fine. I guess it's a useful thing to occupy the cold winter days,.... me.......I'd prefer to be out there practising and improving my practical knowledge of sailing a 12 rather than the theory stuff.   BBQ still sounds the best bit though!!
.......................yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawnnnnn  I've gone to sleep now!!!  Sorry to sound negative.....what's the point though????  How can you possibly measure accurately how fast a N 12 planes in anything but "normal" planing conditions blond I may be but I'm not dumb...towing a 12 aint gonna give you accurate results you need need PEOPLE IN THE BOAT you need NORMAL sailing conditions....then there's the weight thing to consider, the wind direction, and speed where your helm and crew are sitting in the boat, as far as I can see all you are going to measure is how fast an empty N12 planes in a towing situation with no wind and no-one on board.....or am I missing something??

Janey zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
We saw you guys there!!!  We were the 2 numpties in the B14...left our 12 at home drying out so we can do some work on her

Janey & Mike
This is utter c**p!!! how on EARTH can a pacemaker possibly have ANY effect on boat speed, positioning etc??  apart fom doing the job it's designed to do ie re-stat someone's heart if it stops.

OOOH sorry Jimbo I used your sail number in my last post.  (Yes I've crewed 3130 as well...obviously as my Partner Mike used to own her) MY sail no is 3306.......

My B14 is classed as a Skiff but one without wires.  We just have HUGE tramps lovely to lie on whilst hurtling along.  Having spent rather a long afternoon last week mastering the spinnaker on the skiff....sorry B14.....I've come to the conclusion that the National 12 would be awsome with a spinnaker...has anyone ever tried to sail a 12 with a spinnaker and why can't we have one??....class rules I guess, and the fact we'd beat the S**t out of all those Merlins.  I'd give it a go on our Crusader but I'm scared of breaking the mast!!

Personally I always store my woodern "treasure" under cover in the winter.  I'm obsessed with black horrible wood on my gorgeous white sycamore gunnells.  
T'would solve the problem of storage over winter!!

General National 12 chat / Re: hiking
03 Nov 2006, 01:37
This guy REALLY needs to get out more!...find a hobby.......knitting perhaps?

Ah... the black art of the "pole" something I have been trying to figure out for YEARS!!!  I've read all the advice on this thread and it's proved VERY infomative.   It's still a black art though!!  8)
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