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Messages - Alex D

Interesting stuff... I have a wide AC with a double rear tank about 18" deep with an open transom. There is a step of about 5" into the foot well and self bailers. Lots of room under the boom.
I still getting the hang of it and we have been swimming more often than not in the recent gusty weather.
The advice given  by Tim would seem to fit the bill and I will try getting further back, rasing the plate and putting the power on. My main problem at present is with rescue crews who think we must have a problem as we sit so low in the water when filled and are really keen to rescue us.

Has anyone tried to build a duct/pipe with a non return valve throught the rear tanks from the floor well to speed up the draining once underway again?

I don't know about the taking apart yet. Less wind forcast and more practice required I think. Three races at Chew Valley SC tomorrow (Aplogies for being off topic).
For what its worth ... Having just chosen a 12 and having recently considered the alternative options available here is my reasoning behind that choice.

    • I sailed a fair bit from an early age sailing Mirror, Scorpion, Marauder (open / nationals), Laser, Laser II, Lark,
    • No dinghy for a while  - Windsurfing / Paragliding / Yachts / Family
    • limited budget
    • Two young children (girls) 8 & 10 (keen) and a Mirror (for sale)
    • Children can now swim well and luckily don't scare too easily
    • Any spinnaker would remain unused for a good while.
    • I don't mind repairs & maintenance on wooden boats.
    • Still a bit light (sub 16 stone crew weight)
    • Sail club handicap inland and keen to get back onto the open circuit
    • a belief that we all get conditions at some point that will give any setup an edge.
    • flexibility to change things on the boat if they don't suit the crew.
    • character
    • speed
    • responsiveness

    I wanted a boat that would be competitive club racing. (I have negociated a PY of 1115)
    I don't mind (and enjoy) the complexity tuning / setup / controls and descisions that can be avoided in a one design.
    If you look at the list above, it highlights the things that might put you off a 12.

      • a lack of club fleet racing
      • unsuitable crew weight
      • a fear of woodwork or lack of cash for carbon
      • too much to tweek and understand
      • awareness of the implications or concerns about development status of the class
      • The assumtion that one designs give you a level playing field.

      Since turning up with mine at a couple of clubs I have received real interest from Merlin, fireball and other sailors and a really warm reception from other 12 owners.

      One thing I have noticed is the amount of steering control you have with weight shift is massive (hard chines on my 12) and much like a windsurfer and I hope a carve gybe may be possible if I can keen the speed up into the turn.

      One thing I would say is that I managed to get a quick and interesting boat with 2 sets of decent sails, alloy spars  a launch trolley, road trailer, cover good quality fittings, well setup for racing for less that the cost of an average laptop.

      Finally once I decided to go for a 12 I discovered that my Mum and Grandmother both crewed them in the 30s,40s & 50s. (Family connection ?)

      My plan is now autumn club racing, a winter of repairs and then some opens in the spring.

      Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a go next time we're becalmed again. Seeing  the forcast for the south west I suspect it won't be this weekend.  :)
      There is also a second link on the FAQ page left hand menu, which is not broken.

      or follow this one ...

      Alex. N3246
      I have just taken my recently purchased 12 out for the first time in very light winds. Apart from problems with the rudder springing off and self bailers that leak :) it was a good sail.
      One problem I had was in flicking over the top batten. Any suggestions as to which technique works best in these conditions?

      Alex D
      The auction was stopped by the seller because he was concerned it may not reach a realistic price on e-bay. I had the same idea as you ... and made him an offer which he has accepted. :)  Sorry.

      I hope to see you all in the South west. I'm a member at Chew Valley SC.  
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