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Messages - Jimbo41

I fear we've been here before....:-/
Jim N3470 (Also wood Rat - sorry Chapter - derivative)
Thanks for that final comment Jerry. I've still got plenty of time to consider materials here, since at the mo' the garage temperature hardly goes above -3 °C -  even during the day!
Don't snort at a twelve - it's better than coke - and that ain't no joke! (Sorry THG) :D
The National 12 - Peps at Sea (Another one!)
Sailing a Twelve - The unbearable lightness of being
Goes faster - even without the stickers
National 12 - an RS 200 without her running nickers!  :o(the asymmetric at the front end if you hadn't already guessed)
Have a Twelve and a smile ;)
If you're bored on your board have a delve on a Twelve ;)
Up yours, RS whatever - National 12's Rool! :P:K)
Get Nationalised - Get a Twelve!
Get a Twelve - put the rational back in National! ;)
Bring back National12 service!
National 12 - the boat you can sail between regattas without ruining your appetite ;D - in other words the Milky Wave! :B
Surf's Up - time for a Twelve.
National 12 - Wave Function (my daughter's idea - it's the name of her Optimist!)
On the crest of the wave - National 12. (Wasn't there a 12 called "Wavecrest"?)
National 12 - "Vive la Difference!"
Oops - Burst my brain! :o
Smilies look ok in editor but when you post they appear as punctuation. Weird!!! :P
Also, quick reply font is something of a challenge to myopics - although end result is quite easy to read! 
(Maybe some other of teething trouble I'll be on the horizon soon.... ;))
HI James!
Any two pack paint would do. Obviously, most people recommend International.....
I'm also doing the same thing on two of my foils, one for the Tigress and the other for the Man O War. Got to find a way of gotting a nasty chip filled on the rear of the Man O War centreboard too. I thought about using epoxy mixed with a colloidal filler to get the consistency of butter, so it doesn't run. Maybe it would be an alternative to Hi-Build. Ideas anyone?
Cheers! :)
Jim N3130 and N3470.
Pentex - polyethylene 2,6-naphthalate.

Mylar - biaxially-oriented polyethylene tetraphthalate. Threads are stronger.

Polyaramid - kevlar in sails in a laminate with either pentex or mylar. I think that's what Graham uses for a main. Ask Alverbanks.

As for pentex being used as a jib - I would go for a shape-keeping dacron (poylester) sail any time.

But whtever the sail type - get out on the water!!!

Pretty cool footage! Wish I had been there...
I liked the audio from the film boat too - it adds an anticipatory moment to the whole thing. It might be useful to use that type of technique (at the editing phase) if the 12 association decides to persue the training video thing still further, although I found the step - by - step approach  very useful too.

Cheers to one and all!

[quote by=rick_perkins link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool1,m=1200247274,s=6 date=1200344925]

not unless we can lose 3 stone between us ....


You're not the only one Rick - I've set my personal target at 10Kg minimum. Good luck!  ;)

Jim N3470.
sounds like a really good sail had by all. Are you going to put the footage on the web?


Jim. N3470 and 3130
Same to you Simon!

May I also wish the same to all N12 sailors out there, wherever you may be sailing!

All the very best,

Jim. N3470 and 3130
THG - Great idea! For a start, I have made a new map on your entry - hope you don't mind!

Jim N3470 and N3130
Ammersee Bavaria Germany. Echingersegelclub. Hope you can find it!

Link is following:,11.156788&spn=0.106068,0.165138&z=13

You might want to see the Echingersegelclub from the air, although the satellite photo's a bit old - we've got more space now:,11.112285&spn=0.003312,0.005161&t=h&z=18
[quote by=Marcus (Guest) link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool1,m=1196853525,s=10 date=1196863750]if you remove the rise of floor rule as well then there's nothing to stop the boat becoming very narrow underneath and the consequences of this are that the boat would soon become unmanagable!

Marcus [/quote]
If that were the case then surely the designs would self-limit to those dimensions which are not  unmanagable. The designers would  be free to experiment in order to find these limits. Or am I talking garbage as usual?  ;)

Muscle boxes are ok - provided you don't go anywhere near a sandy beach  ;).
I don't think they are as good as a couple of decent blocks to give a 5 or 6 : 1 purchase for a forestay though. A muscle box doesn't respond very quickly.  There's also the problem of where to put it near the mast...

I've got muscle boxes on my Tigress and they suit her shrouds.
Good luck with the fitting out.


Jim. (N3470, all Harkened up with plenty of Dyneema, and N3130, waiting patiently for her Spring glass epoxy beauty treatment)
I can assure you that there's no really offensive language in use here. Purely the slang one might use in response to the comments made by Charles Dickens. Oh and you might find that out purely by using an online dictionary. In short - don't expect anything greight from me.


Jim. (one must be good at something - if not at the head of the fleet!)
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