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Messages - martin 1262

Did Wonder!!!
Is it self draining? If so  where does the water go, it seems to have a solid transom??????
I will be there with tent. Must say When I bought it I thought it was medium size, put it up last week its rather large 4 man job.
Might need my own field!
Yep 3458 used to being to the Whitehead's and I seem to recall they sailed or still sail there!
If possible we shall make the trip over the pennines and make a day of it. If Matt comes will depend if he is with me or his Mum that weekend.
Will see you very soon!
I spotted this too, perhaps we need to get some clarification, as I will probably only be able to do Hunstanton, crew permitting, and if this is the case, then perhaps not even that!:o
I also be aiming to do as many as possible this year, esp Trent Valley, Hykeham, Welland and Olton Mere.
See you out there!  :)
Posted entry today White heat will be there.
Looking to Camp, do we have to book our pitch, or just turn up?
The simple answer is to avoid the capsize!
The more complex answer... The dbs do float higher, I used to have a crusader myself, and I know exactly what its like to capsize, my son and me manged it 6 times at Ripon in 2007, and the reason for this- we were trying to empty the boat in gusty conditions and all we managed to do is bury the bow and go swimming again.. it was this that convinced me a db boat was the answer.. or so I thought.
The Foolish is pretty well behaved although it has a habit of catching you when you least expect. I have capsized a few times when tacking on the beats,because I have not been fast enough across the boat. I have been able to get the boat up again fairly quickly, it is a bit of a climb onto the board, its about 18 inches out of the water but not a great problem. When it comes up I tend to wait 10 secs before getting in, as this lets the water drain out, and it more stable, but as a result the boat floats higher once upright so again it is a bit of a haul up. It exercises your biceps thats for sure. But once we are sorted out we are off again.
I found the best way to drain the Crusader is sit well back to aviod the bow burying, sheet in and catch the gust. Once the bow burys I found the helm unresponsive, which tends to lead to another capsize. 
Overall though I prefer the db boat, it seems better behaved, and if I am careless enough to tip it in, we can get up and going again a bit quicker. Wouldnt change it!
Hi all and thanks for comments and advices. Will follow up the tips given.
Centreboard now out, easy enough job, and I can see some score marks where it been rubbing, so given me an opportunity to smooth things down a bit in the centreboard case and the head of the board. Anthony suggestion may be bang on, ie the chord may be a just too fat and it catches on bit of the case when it comes up.
Dont want to overdo it, as i understand comments about board coming up too quickly, but I have an elastic around the thwart which tucks under front of the board that stops that happening too much.
My worst nightmare this year is giving me a hernia trying to get the thing down and being off sailing 3 months! Yes at times it has been that bad!
I'll keep you posted how it goes
Hi, Anthony and guest!
There is not anything fouling it, and the gaskets are just fine, as so Anthony said a very tight fit. It does it whether the tension is or off as is the case at the moment with the boat upside down in the garage!
I can see the abrasion marks as you suggest, which of course isn't great for smooth passge throught the water, so I might rub down a little to smooth off and see what happens this year.
It is reassuring to know I am not the only one with this niggle.
General National 12 chat / Centreboard
19 Mar 2009, 11:18
I have a Winder foolish, and the winter is giving me time to sort out the niggles that get on my nerves. So I turn to the 12 forum for help and ideas! The centreboard is extremely difficult to get down and up again, but once It is 25% down it frees up and works ok. It is just a pain to get the the thing down, and back up again when back on shore. I have peered down the slot from inside the boat and outside, but cannot see anything other than it being a very tight fit. I have noted from other posts that some winder foolishs might be a fricton pad, but I cannot see one on mine. I guess the answer is to get the centreboard out from the boat, but don't want to unless absolutely necessary, as it can be a pig of a job. If I have to, I see a nut on the underside of the board, which I assume comes undone.
Any suggesions?
Boats / Re: N3364 Demolition
14 Mar 2009, 08:57
Up for sale- Apollo Duck £400 looks a good price!!
Andy. Just found the offcut.
Email is martin_clarkeatbtinternetdotcom.
Perhaps if I share with you what I did, it should make it easier.
I had the same system as yours when I bought White Heat and to be honest I could not get on with it. I ended up biting the bullet an cutting a slot in the boom after chatting to Steve Sallis. I have added the stainless bar and ball block and to be honest I have had no problems, the outhaul is easy to pull on in any condition, and an elastic fitted making letting it off in light winds easy too.
I recommend that route, I might even have the offcut for the stainlesss steel if you want for for free. Only cost will be a stainless drill bit and ball block.
Let me know if you are intersted.
Boats / Re: N2405 Complex
05 Nov 2008, 07:23
Would that be the bastion of 80's living an Escort XR3?;)
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