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Messages - philipcosson

General National 12 chat / Re: Hi All
20 Aug 2007, 06:58
Welcome Tim,

I was very interested in bounder, and the price was definitely right!

First stop would be the coaching link - the google video here: will get you started, but the invaluable handbook is a must and worth your class association membership on it's own.

this is all idle chat BTW... More about what classification the class should be under than changes to the rules.

the N12 is still the most beautiful 2 person dinghy on the boat park in my opinion - wood, fibreglass or carbon.

as a prevous poster has said - the 'development' tag probably does scare off more than it attracts.
Some classes don't even stipulate a crew number - just a weight limit all up hull and crew. Peter could sail on his own at 17 stone and be very competitive if we took that tack.

I would like to suggest an analogy with methodism - The first methodists were rebels who wanted to reform and renew the staid C of E, today the methodist denomination is generally reactionary and possibly more tradition bound than the C of E. This is mainly due to second and third generation members, who join for different reasons than the first members had.

For the National 12 to keep its 'development class' credentials, it needs to allow more development. It is definitely more accurately called a 'restricted class' at the moment. In choosing an AC boat I have definitely joined a 'restricted class' - as even a modern single bottom (crazy diamond) can't be called an AC - so no real development is possible.

As for amateur building - when was the burton last won by an amateur built boat?

i think it has,

Virtually no DB boats come onto the market - and when they do, they are very expensive for a second hand boat.

I ended up buying a could moulded AC boat when I was looking for a DB chapter!

We have recently had an excellent sailor join the class from the RS200 fleet, who asked several questions on this forum about rules - he was obviously interested in the development aspect of the class. Each reply came back "no, you cant do that". Result has been after one burton week, he has left the class. I think this is partly due to the lack of possibility for 'tinkering' in the current rule set.

The only way to release the DB final chapters etc into the second hand market is to reduce the hull weight - it is crazy to have 20kg of correctors in a boat!

Final point - average husband and wife combined weight in 1936 was significantly lighter than average husband and wife weight now. The 12 is serving an ever decreasing market share.


1) relax some of the rules

3) reduce hull weight by 5kg OR have a combined boat/crew weight - so heavier crews can take out some correctors.

2) allow different rig options - laser have 4.7, radial, standard and now rooster 8.1 - all on the same hull.

I am resigned to sail a class within a class (the AC fleet)

Boats / Re: N3367 Spirit Of Twelve
14 Aug 2007, 06:16
Just taken charge of N3367 - this boat has recently been refurbished to a very high standard. Initial photos can be seen at

N3367 was owned from new by Terence Copeland and was last sailed at Starcross

I will be sailing at Scaling Dam mainly in club racing on an AC handicap. I will add some more when I get the boat home.


You were correct - 3367

I am now the proud owner of this superb cold moulded AC!

can't wait to get it out on the water!

does anyone know the number/name of the crudader 88 currently for sale?

General National 12 chat / boat search
04 Aug 2007, 01:48
i'm currently without a boat :-(

i'm trying to be a bit proactive and i wondered if any of these boats are active at the moment, if not perhaps they could be for sale?




Where do you get the 'like a final chapter' information?


Where do you get the 'like a final chapter' information?

Some interesting insights can be gleaned from this, well done to all concerned.

The highlights for me included:

Combine answers to Q5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 and you get a picture of a lot of N12's in garages (especially in the winter)

Q13c shows that some folk attend open meetings hoping to chew the fat, experiment, learn and bimble, but the seasoned hands have a very efficient routine off pat to maximise racing time and minimise actual time at the venue.

Q21a&b, 22a,b &c shows that, for a development class, there is a pretty conservative streak

Q41 there are quite a lot of conflicted folk about - More people think the N12 is not perfect than think its OK or Perfect, yet very limited change in the rules is supported. This probably comes from people wanting to protect their investment of a) money and b) knowhow. lots of people think that there is scope for 'budding designers' within the current rules... I think the door is a lot further closed than it was in 1970 for example. It seems like a golden age when two guys could discuss a hull design over a beer and model it in beer mats!

just my view from the sidelines! not sailed yet this year! no boat in the garage :-(


Boats / Re: N3253 Mr Blue Sky
26 Jun 2007, 11:16
and another (256kb limit)...
Boats / Re: N3253 Mr Blue Sky
26 Jun 2007, 11:14
and another...
Boats / Re: N3253 Mr Blue Sky
26 Jun 2007, 11:13
and another one...
Boats / Re: N3253 Mr Blue Sky
26 Jun 2007, 11:12
and some more...
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