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Messages - thedodger

Did someone upset Rick? not sure what he's getting at...
David, It's no goos hanging around this web site feeling sorry for yourself.
On the subject of small cars, I've found it a little difficult to tow mine behind my bugatti veyron, tends to get airborne over 160mph, any ideas how to stop this happening?
David, my 12 is yours anytime Rosie and I are not using her, you should therefore be able to use her for  few outings in 2009. I see it as my job to personally ensure your absence from the calss is as shorter spell as possible. Simon
I have dyneema jib halyard and no forestay. Dyneema is many times stronger weight for weight than a wire halyard. Funnily enough the only thing I have broken this season was a wire shroud, not in my opinion through lack of maintenance!
3454 jammy dodger
Jim, thanks for telling me PP is sold, I have a feeling one of the Spinnaker members will be a bit disappointed.
The numbers should peel off very easily, just take the sails and ask the OOD for his view. As long as 3455 isn't there, it shouldn't matter. If it is, then peel off a number and off you go. Please tell me that no-one is so a##l in the class they would protest you for this oversight.
Simon & Rosie Walworth N3454 Jammy Dodger
John, how about some consistency, tell them all to get back to their own clubs and sail there!!
Quote from: Atheist (Guest)I wouldn’t focus on religion, many religions seem to suggest that sailing is not where you should be on Sunday.

There is always time for both church and sailing, especially if your not travelling far away to a distant meeting!
OK boys and girls, that's Burton Week sorted, we'll get the numbers you all want and put a tick in that box.
Next mission, well it's time to get off the circuit, get back into your local sailing club to spread the word. The more we get boats regularly sailing back at local clubs, the more recruits we'll get back into the class.
Over the past few summers we have gradually got more 12's on the water and raised the class profile at Spinnaker. We have managed to get all the boats together in the boat park and the banter is making those poor old single handers rather jealous.  Last count we have 12 12's and the word is we have more planning to join in.
From a solitary David Wilkins to a growing fleet... which reminds me, what is this nonsense I hear about Mr Wilkins selling his boat!
Hi Antony, Tom W is not my name, Simon Walworth is as is clearly stated in my contribution when I say Tom Walworth is my son! Both Tom and I have 12's. Tom is at Bristol Uni I can assure you he has his third year exams then and is disappointed that he will probably miss the Championships. James and Elli are unlikely and I'm not sure about our other students at this stage.
I haven't been prepared to use the little time I get off (self employed) to go away for a week but will happily turn up with Rosie (my daughter) to Thorpe, even if it is the other side of the universe. ;D
I've just spoken to Tom Walworth (my son), he says that the dates are effectively excluding anyone doing exams from the Championships. As we had all discussed getting as many Spinnaker boats there as possible that makes us three down immediately, those being exactly the guys and girls we need there to keep the class going in the future.
While we all respect the efforts all involved go to to organise and plan N12 activities, my view is a drawing board and a revisit is needed in order we do not exclude a goodly portion of the fleet.
Simon W 3454
I will work with Phil & David to make sure we get as many of the Spinnaker boats there as possible. Might be a problem for our students, but you can't please everyone all of the time! I am sure Tom, Ellie, James and the others will try their best to be there. Guess that means Rosie and I will be planning to be there. Simon 3454 'Jammy Dodger'.
Well?? The meeting was on the 27th September, when are us lot going to find out what's occuring?
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