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Messages - janeysailor12

Hi jimbo I've decided to create a new thread for my reply to your last Mail, as the thread we were posting on was really about weight....a subject which I am not prepared to make any further comment on.  
Anyway you suggested if I was bored I should try helmig....tried it...loved it.  You also commented on what was wrong with"tickling" the boat along.  Seriously Jim if, you spent as many years as I have scruched up the front of a Crusader, in 5 iches of freezing water and no wind, constantly moving your weight up and down, in and out, and forwards an backwards to "tickle" the boat along a bit faster, not to mention sheeting the jib in or out ONE click just to get the tall tales exactly right, tweaking various bits of'd know ALL about tickling the boat along.  It IS an art that I LOVE and I am in NO WAY temped to part with my 12, just because of the immense satisfaction of getting that little bit extra speed and cruising past people who ar just wallowing.  Also the sheer speed of the 12 when she does sit up and go is amazing.  All the spray and twitchiness just adds to excitement of it all!!  Going fast in ANYTHING aint boring!!  Which is where the B14 comes in.  Just now and again I want to go out, and go ballistic, and that's why I bought it.  Incedentally I took it out on Saturday on our "pond" and, given the small stretch we have to sail on had a pretty good blast.  It DID feel faster than the 12 but without all the spray, until that is..Mike got "tea bagged" on the tramps....several times.  It all boils down to "Horses for Courses"  For sheer scary speed it's the B14 every time, and for refined skill it HAS to be the 12.  I'd call it a thinking man's (or woman's) boat.

No Jimbo the reason I've bought The B14 is I fancy a challenge, and I'm getting a bit bored with only the Dangly pole and the Jib.  Mind you I may have shot myself in the preverbial foot here.  On the B14 I have to do the Spinnaker (all 50 square meters of it!!) the Outhaul, the cunningham, the kicker, as well as the Jib!!  So no excuse for getting bored then!  

Jimbo....WHY have you bought Passion Pudding???  Have you not got your head around the Tigress yet??  or are you going to sail with one boat on each foot  :D


P.S. I've bought a B14.......and the Hull's only 65 Kilos HA HA!!
Refer to message above...........................BOUGHT IT!!!!!! :D

Janey...........apparently B14's are known as N12's on Steroids! ;D
Thanks Kean!!!!  Gonna have a shuftee at that one.

..................but in answer to you question Jimbo.  N 12 's, are not egg box shaped as far as I can see. Egg Boxes are Egg box shaped.  I find it hard to imagine why N12's were compared to that!  I do get a bit het up about people "dissing" other boats. A boat is a boat and whether you're the owner of a Cornish Shrimper, a GP14 a Wayfarer a N12 or a B14 or any other boat for that matter YOUR boat is always going to be the "best".  All boats have something unique to offer to their owners, that's what makes the sport so interesting and vaired.  We in the deveopment classes think we are the elite, where as the one designers probably feel the same!  I'm happy to hop in any model of boat and have a go, then give my judgement based on the way I feel and the way the boat feels when I sail it.  And the B14 certainly did'nt feel like an aircraft carrier, felt more like a bloomin Ferrari.....which is why I'm gettin one!!!!
I used to be a member of Rudyard Lake Sailing Club!!  so I ws intrigued to see the Top Gear Show.  Actually Captain slow's boat was better than some of the boats there!!!


Not actually got the B14 as yet Jimbo.  We are still looking for the "right" one.  Mike loved it soooooo much, we had the most amazing blast on one in Cornwall.  I don't (won't) wire so it's ideal for us.  But I'm still a 12 addict.  The B14 will just be for fast cruising.....and boy OH BOY do they GO!!!!  Can see what you're driving at with wood boats.  I do think they look so much prettier than plastic ones.  

Jimbo....what's the problem with plastic?????

How refreshing to find someone so very honest.  I've had a bee in my bonnet for a while now.  We were "involved" in an altercation at the 70th at Northampton.  Some guy (in a black and white boat) came steaming up to a mark and his toe straps broke, he cannoned into my lovely wooden Crusader and carved a piece out of my gunnel.  After the race we could'nt locate him and when my partner tackled him the next day he denied all knowledge of the incidednt, saying he did'nt remember hitting anyone.  This after his (novice) crew admitted to myself in the changing rooms she'd seen their boat hit ours!!  Shame on you know who you are (and what's more so do I).  My point is I always belived that sailing was generaly speaking a "gentleman's" sport, I was obviously mistaken in this instance, and anyone with half a concience would have at least apologised or even had a look at the damage to my boat. I would like to add that it was'nt an insurance claim, and we have managed to repair the boat with the much appreciated help and advice of dear Gerry Ledger (who built her), and she's as good as new now.......which is a good thing because if she had been badly damaged someone WOULD have paid and it would'nt have been ME!
Janey....still smiling and still honest
Yeeeees as you said it's horses for courses.  We met a guy down at Rock (Cornwall) who has a 12 and loved our Crusader, but he now sails a B14......WHAT A BOAT!!!!!!  We took it out...loved it and we are getting one.  We will keep the 12 ( I love her too much to part) but the B14 IS awsome.  BTW I learned to sail in a wayfarer and for a while it was all I ever wanted.....after buying a 12 (about 5 years ago) and meeting my Partner Mike (who's sailed 12's and Merlins for 40+ years) The 12 was the ONLY boat for me.  And still is to some extent, but the buzz of the B14 is something I can't live without now!

General National 12 chat / Sorry Jimbo
09 Sep 2006, 11:49
Will still be doing Rock Week it does'nt finish till the Wed evening.  But we discussed it last night and decided to probably drive over in the evening.  Depending on what time the racing finishes. we will have to exchange mobile numbers and arrange something??
Whey....HEY!!!!! now you can see why I won't helm!!!  It's great being a passenger (crew) in that kind of wind.  Hanging out the back over the transom has it's advantages when you're in a Crusader 88...... as in..... it should'nt (hopefully) nosedive.  would'nt have liked to try it i those conditions.

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