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Messages - philipcosson

Boats / Re: N3253 Mr Blue Sky
26 Jun 2007, 11:12
some more pictures from today...
Boats / Re: N3253 Mr Blue Sky
26 Jun 2007, 11:06
some pictures of N3253 taken today (after the rain stopped)
General National 12 chat / Re: N3253
21 Jun 2007, 09:20
its up on ebay!

I'll need some new sail numbers John!


General National 12 chat / N3253
21 Jun 2007, 08:08
I've decided to change tack and sell 'mr blue sky' (previously known as  'seawitch')

Joel and I have had great fun lat year, and a refit was underway. My Dad has sanded, painted and fixed, but circumstances have ground the project to a halt.

I will put full details in an advert, and list on ebay.

We hope to see you at Ripon in a new Yot!


OK - i'll bite.

Have you sold Crazy Diamond then?

i've definitely ad this problem - don't have the solution though!

We are slightky heavier 8st and 12.5 st and we have a Baggy T


I think there are 2 issues...

I was new to sailing at 38 - I have had a step learning curve and will never be competitive at burton week, whaterver boat I'm in.

People like me don't want a shiny new boat - because we will (quite rightly) be sniggered at in the mode of "who the hell does he think he is?" or "that boat is wasted on him"

The point is that I used to put up with an old beaten up car and a shabby house in my youth, and I have grown tired of doing that, and I have a nice car now and a nice house. I would like a nice N12 that I can be proud of.

I don't have time for the do it yourself option (car loan and mortgage to pay for!) so I would like a nice second hand boat with a nice combi trailer and cover that looks the business.

My point is that a new build is intimidating for a new starter to the class - they want a nice, sorted, second hand boat.

An AC boat would do just fine, with carbon rigg, new sails and a nice combi. One that has already been fully 'bimbled' by an expert in the class. This can be sailed on adjusted handicap at any club and be competitive against RS200 and albacore, and can be taken to open meetings.

I think the AC and DB issue is a lesser issue than the condition of many of the second hand boats on the list.

N3253 - still looking for someone to do her up (Mike Saul is too busy and Mike Cooke too far away!)

General National 12 chat / Re: GPS
12 Apr 2007, 11:44
Rick, this seems to work <a href="">mail me</a> use Spam-me-not to encode the email first if you want to avoid spam.

Boats / Re: N2708 Samurai
27 Mar 2007, 11:32
on ebay 27/03/07
Boats / Re: N2760 Grimalkin
27 Mar 2007, 11:13
on ebay 27/03/07
Boats / Re: N2439 Eleventh Hour
27 Mar 2007, 11:06
on ebay 27/03/2007
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