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Messages - thedodger

We are all waiting to hear what the great and good of the class have to say about Burton Week 2009. Have you taken our suggestions seriously? No-one at Spinnaker seems terribly keen on Thorpe Bay. The meeting is over by now (unless it is like the management committee meetings at Spinnaker where the norm is two days and nights average) so can we have a date and venue please.
Simon W
Andy provided the highlight of the day when he demonstrated man overboard drill, shame all his crew could do was lie in the bottom of the boat howling with laughter!
It was great to see everyone, very worthwhile day despite a lack of breeze. But what a lovely sunny day. Well done Phil Brown.
Simon. Jammy Dodger
Saw Felix tonight, he'll be there with Emily as crew. Geoff will be along later.
I'll be there with Rosie, Tom is back at University. In the absence of my rig, Steve Adshead has kindly lent us his boat.
Having heard about the plans for next years Burton Week, the consensus at Spinnaker is that 6+ of our boats (haven't asked David Wilkins or Steve Adshead yet) are up for the Nationals if they are held on the Spring bank holiday weekend at a South Coast venue. What do the rest of you think? For example, there is some great sailing to be had on the Isle of Wight!
As we are likely to have 15 boats at our club next season, perhaps someone might think we are doing something right and listen to us when we ask for a Gill event at Spinnaker.
Spinnaker only had James Anderson at the Nationals this year, that says a lot about the preference for club sailing and the need for the class to get back in the clubs and propogate the next generation of 12 sailors.
By being seen on our club water all the time, always with family and other youngsters, we have a core of youngsters gettiing really enthusiastic about 12 sailing. Is that happening at your club when your never there?
Answers please...
Simon W
3454 Jammy Dodger
8.09.08. For those weight concious among you, it looks like we'll have some scales along in order you can have your boat (or crew) weighed. The boats will have to sit on the scale, but should be fine as long as we are out of the wind.
I'll have a look at what sails we have in storage and check out my old cover. The cover was quite badly ripped at the back end, but I reckon it could be fixed and will be better than nought. If you give me a mobile number I'll have a look and give you a call if we can help.
Simon Walworth
Jammy Dodger
Hi Jane, the day is being organised by Phil Brown on behlaf of the Spinnaker 12 fleet. We have about 12 National 12's here now and I believe we will have at least eight on the water. I think Phil is away for a few days but will make sure he gives us a schedule as soon as he gets back.
Just got on the plane, got the boat level and a big gust coming through. Guess it's not the moment for the windward shroud to give way! Just as well it went on the lake as a week later we were sailing in Swanage with gusts up to 30+ knots in a biggish sea. Don't want to think what might have happened if it had gone then. Problem was tired dyneema, so that is lack of checks and owner to be blamed, Very unusual as I am generally very fussy about my boat.
Nigel Goodhew,  plus family and several other 12 sailors including Tom Walworth and James Anderson, are currently lying 4th overall in the Sigma 38' class. That is a real result so well done boys!
Hi Louisa, just come along, we have plenty of boats available to borrow and you are guaranteed some sailing. Probably easiest to come via Lymington. If you want I am sure we can get you picked up from the ferry. My telephone number is in the N12 book, alternatively you can email me swalworths(at)
Saturday was absolutely awesome, bright sunshine and gusts up to 30+ knots. Have to say Rosie and I were varying between out of control and totally out of control but what fun. As we usually sail on a lake and spend our time chasing a breeze, the difference was unbelievable. Although I have done a lot of sea sailing, this was Rosie's fourth or so outing but she only wanted more blasting along, not less - so all is looking good for future events.
We were joined by Ian and Georgina Stables, new Spinnaker members and new n12 owners. Talk about a baptism by fire, but they both enjoyed the blast even when they lost a stern bag in a particularly spectacular capsize. Talking about Ian and Georgina, you should see the boat (3404), Ian has completely renovated her and she looks absolutely stunning (pics to follow). Like me, Ian is a returnee to dinghies after a long and continuing career offshore sailing. You will no doubt meet Ian and Georgina at a meeting soon.
Anyway, you lot, you all missed the fun, the sailing was cracking and great practice for those going to Burton Week. I reckon Swanage wouyld make a great venue for a Burton week, we were all made very welcome and the sailing is great in the bay and offshore.
Just advanced warning that we will be running a training day at Spinnaker Club on Saturday, 27th September. All are welcome. We will have expert coaches available to help set up your boat and improve your performance. Please let us know if you are coming, we can then decide whether to provide catering and rescue boats. We now have 12 boats at Spinnaker so you will have plenty of company. You can contact me or Phil Brown through Spinnaker Club or through the National 12 handbook.
N3454 Jammy Dodger
A few Spinnaker 12's are going, anyone fancy joining us for some fun at Swanage at regatta.
Details at
Great local camp site (called California camp site) so we can all get together during the event.
Let me know if you would like to come.
email swalworths at (change at for @)
maybe see you there.
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