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Messages - chopper

Hi having dispute with race comitee I thought we should be 1093 but they say its 1092 I know its only a tenth but hey ho it could make a diffrence
regards Paul
3467 ok gr8 race yesterday 1st me (he he) 3179 Gillespie
2nd Ben Woodcraft 3467 nellom and boo
12s are going well some intrest from other competitors about class.
Gillespie 3179 is proving she still wants to win races day 2 of Mersea week got a second yesterday and a first today in medium fast handicap think were sitting joint first at the moment see what goes on tommorrow.(pray for light wind 4 stone crew)
Boats / Re: N3257 Simply Red
15 Aug 2009, 10:25
I was hoping to get hold of this boat on ebay last night but got outbid by some toe rag 5seconds before auction close I HATE EBAY
Hi just a thought I know nothing about moulds can they be stored outside if so I might know of somewhere to store them in Essex
regards Paul
Last week I was offered traveling light for restoration however it turned out not to be traveling light but a clinker boat identetity unknown by owner. still looking for interesting 12s for winter project.
wonder what happened to 3046 sure it didnt turn clinker lol
tel 07960 874365
Could a 29er mast be made to fit a 12??
regards Paul
I need a rudder that does not have to be all up or all down thats the problem where i sail slot rudder would be the best option I made one on my cherub years ago just wondered if anyone had a home made job have not got time to start from scratch new baby just born.
will have time in winter for next year but would be nice for now to get hold of something that stops me getting stuck in the mud( I know where shallow are just need to be able to sil through them
Hi Im after a slot rudderand stock that they want to sell for a super cheap price dont mind working on it even if its just a stock or just a rudder its a start would like to addapt it to fit on my crusader.
regards Paul
tel 07960 874365
Boats / Re: N3179 Gillespie
09 Jul 2009, 12:00
Been out racing tonight with my 8 year old boy wind was light sea was not too choppy and I would guess that on corrected time we would have won.
we were put in fast handicap and the only boat infront was a rs 400 we beat everything else over the water, so there is life in the ole boat yet
John Murrell has 3003 now was speaking to him the other day he didnt say he wanted to sell it.
If I can find one would probably sell Gillespie to fund it unless I can get a daggerboard boat in need of tlc dont think Id have a problem selling her shes well known.
Gillespie is definately a diffrent shape you can feel the nicely disguised measurment lumps under the paint work.
I got the boat directly from the original owner Tony Edwards who told me that when it was measured it failed the rise of floor rule and had to go back to rowsell for modification.
Ive found it rapid in light winds but not so good in medium wind against chop (I sail out of Mersea Island).
Im looking out for a daggerboard boat due to the mud situation where I sail c/b has more surface area to get stuck in mud a low water and its hard to lift up so if anyone knows of one in any condition I could be interested.
Apparently my crusader is a diffrent shape to all the other crusaders
Gillespie 3179
sorry for being thick is this just open meeting or will their be a training day on sat
would like to come with my 7 year old boy distance is a bit of a issue we are in colchester still thinking about it
Hi all sailed my cruisader last night water was peeing in through the c/b slot I knew gasket was going but have been putting off replacing it.
Underneath it apears to be stuck on (not screwed on like the last one I changed 20 odd years ago) and some tape all around to tidy it up where can I buy all the stuff to do the job is there a kit or is it add lib.
regards Paul
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