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Messages - Mike Storey

Sadly the Classic Boat Revival due to take place at Bosham SC on 4/5 Sept 2021 has fallen victim to covid-19 travel uncertainty and ability of local hosts to accommodate visitors in the current circumstances.  Visitors have always been an integral part of the event's success and without them, it would just not be the same. Having now missed two years, the plan is now to 'relaunch big time' in 2022, on either the 1st or 2nd weekend of September. N12 Vintage Wing and N12 events calendar planners please mark those dates in your diary pending confirmation. It would be awesome to have vintage 12s at the event alongside many other classic boats.
Mike S
(N3491 and BSC Sailing Manager)
A great weekend with absolutely everything weather wise, a club who were excellent hosts and a sufficiently challenging but convenient sailing area. Close racing with 4 different race winners and some great performances further down the fleet shows the strong competition within the class. So glad I made the last minute decision to come and thanks to Kevin Iles for lending me his boat. Yesterday's first reach with the foil off will live in my and Sophie's memory for a long time. I just need to get around the corners better. 
Roll on the 80th Anniversary Championships at Brightlingsea next year.
Mike S N3491 (and N3527 for 4 days)
Pleased to say that loan boat is sorted so there will be 2 more Storey boats on the startline on Saturday. 
N3491 (and something else for the champs)
Not going to make it. Got to take Alex to Tough Guy in Wolverhampton to run for miles through mud, fire, ice and electricity. Forecast looks "interesting".
This year's summer open at RSC is on Sunday 13th July:

Ranelagh Sailing Club, The Embankment, Putney, London, SW15 1LB. 
Race start at 14.15
High water of 7.09m at 15:42
Entry fee £10
Sailing Instructions/briefing at around 13.30 approx.
Post race barbecue (included in entry fee).
Luckily the 3 month closure of Putney Bridge does not come into effect until 14th July but watch out for the weekend closures of the Hammersmith Flyover which are causing a lot of traffic disruption if you are coming in to Putney from the north.
Just added to my gallery at a couple of pics taken by my Club Commodore at Flushing, Cornwall.

"They sailed in then dropped the sails and pulled it out to a mooring while they had lunch. I think the sail said 1808 but
I never got a clear view (I was upwind on our balcony). Looks like it had a stern tank or at least stern deck. 
Apart from the age of the sailors very swallows and amazons…"
It's just two weeks to go to the 2nd Thames Area event of 2014, the 52nd Hamble Warming Pan hosted by Hamble River Sailing Club on 15th and 16th March 2014. We'll be sharing the river Hamble with Merlin Rocket, Firefly, Albacore, Enterprise, Laser & Foxer classes.
There will be two races each day with the first starts scheduled for 1100 GMT both days. Racing will start and finish on the HRSC club line, just five minutes sail from the launching area. The event Notice of Race is now available on the HRSC website
Entry fees have been kept at the same level as last year, just £25 for double-handed crews and £12 for single-handers.
Food and drink will be available in the HRSC clubhouse on the Ferry Hard throughout the weekend.
Accommodation hints and other useful information are available on the Hamble River Sailing Club website.
Thames Area Series 2013 Results attached
Well done to Tom and Robbie Stewart for the win yesterteday. Full report to follow.
In an shock development and following a stewards enquiry and full meeting of the Thames Area Organising Committee (me) the results of the 2013 Thames Area Series have been reviewed and a new winner announced. Well done Tom Stewart (and various crews) for winning the 2013 Series. The confusion was caused by the results co-ordinator (also me) being incapable of distinguishing between G Camm (Graham) and G Camm (Geoff) in the results submitted by various clubs. The results co-odinator has been sufficiently reprimanded (ouch).
Thames Area 2013 Series results attached
For those concerned about the conditions on the river, I've checked with RSC and although the ebb stream is very strong it looks OK for sailing on the flood. There's no flooding at the Club and RSC are planning to sail on Saturday. 
High profile handicap events notwithstanding (well done Camms, Ibbotsons and Copseys) the N12 open meeting calendar traditionally launches with the historic and challenging Ranelagh Winter Race for the Royal Thames Yacht Club Trophy. And in recent years this has also been the opportunity for the Thames Area sailors and non-sailors to get together, eat, drink and let Graham & Zoe keep the Thames Area Series Trophy for another year.
This tradition will be repeated in 2014 (except maybe the last bit…I’m not telling.)
When: 16th Feb 2014
Where: Ranelagh Sailing Club, The Embankment, Putney, London, SW15 1LB
What: Open Meeting for N12 for the Royal Thames Yacht Club Trophy
Sailing Instructions/briefing at around 13.30
Race start at 14.00
High water at 15.27
Entry fee £10
Racing will be followed by the Thames Area Dinner and Prizegiving at around 16.00-16.30. All sailors, non-sailors and friends of the N12 Thames Area are most welcome.
2 courses â€" Green Thai chicken curry/veggie curry followed by apple crumble/chocolate brownies and cream
Adults £15, Children £7
Please can I have numbers for the meal via email to mg.storey(at) as soon as possible and no later than Monday 10th Feb to help with planning the food. And if an alternative kids meal is needed, please contact me.
Hope to see lots of you there
General National 12 chat / N12 burgees
16 Nov 2013, 08:23
If, like me, your burgee got shredded by the early November gale you'll be needing a top quality N12 branded Falker replacement. Available in a range of colours for the princely sum of £8 (plus P&P) from an nationwide distribution network comprising:
Mike Storey
Christian Day
Chris Troth
Howard Chadwick
Jeremy Carey
Gerald Copsey
Contact details are in the handbook and we are all going to try and remember to bring them to events, so you boat should never be lacking appropriate topmast decoration.
Mike N3491
All Thames sailors
Tides are not too favourable for our traditional January Sunday lunchtime race and prizegiving for the Royal Thames Trophy and 2013 Thames series at Ranelagh. We could do an early (9.30am) start on Jan 12th, which is the morning after Bloody Mary Race, or go into Feb and have an afternoon start (2pm) on the 16th, which is the first weekend of half term, followed by the traditional Thames Area prizegiving meal, which would be a high tea. I'm thinking the latter option but just wanted to put the options out for comment by the hardy band of winter Thames sailors before confirming.
Mike N3491
Unfortunately I have been pulled elsewhere on that day (Sophie is doing a triathlon at Dorney) and won't be able to make it but am with you in supporting the opposition to the proposal. Weather forecast is looking great and I hope there's a super turnout. It's all to play for in the Thames Area series.