National 12

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Messages - Sally Benwell

Boats / Re: N3125 National Crisis
03 Nov 2015, 09:54
Great to hear that 3125 being enjoyed at Noirmoutier, Eric.
Peut-etre nous pourrions y aller vous visiter! 
I shall attempt to scan some old photos and upload soon.
Sally Benwell
Boats / Re: N3125 National Crisis
07 Nov 2014, 09:55
We (Paul and Sally Benwell) owned 3125 from 1982. We bought her from Whitstable and renamed her as National Crisis.  We sailed her around open meetings for the three seasons 1982 (Burton Week that year was in Weymouth, we came 15th!), 1983 (Burton Week Llandudno), 1984 (Paignton). We were members at  Wraysbury Lake Sailing Club, which didn't have a 12 fleet, but was our home club. We have loads of old photos, will post them soon!  once our family were older we bought another 12 but it was not as beautiful as the Tigress!