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Messages - criticalmass

Boats / Re: N3459 Carbon Copy
02 Feb 2016, 10:08
Hi there. Yes the other 12 was my mates (a final chapter)

He sold it yesterday. On the lookout for a newish FRP Solo if anyone knows of one.
Boats / Re: N3459 Carbon Copy
02 Feb 2016, 02:57
Hi all, just thought i'd post an up to date picture of N3459 Carbon Copy leading the pack at ASC in Oxfordshire.
[/size]I'm really enjoying owning her. Need to get some little marks sorted out but she is a great little boat to sail.[/size]If anyone has a copy of the photo log which Tim made when he built her i'd really appreciate a copy.Enjoy
Quote from: 1132Hello Pete doing a repair in carbon isn't much different to doing a repair in glass. It does sound like if letting the water in then you will cracked core as well which again isn’t the hardest thing to fix depending on size. I would suggest either posting  some photos or emailing some over and I will take a look.
If you are wondering where get materials from I have found these guys are pretty good at the mo
It’s also worth have a look round the Cherub class forum because there will probably some advice on fixing cracks in carbon boats ;o)

Hi. I think i may have been a little hasty in my diagnosis of where the water came in. after lots of testing I am pretty confident that the water which I found in the front buoyancy tank gained entry via the front inspection cover which had not been screwed in properly prior to launching (and extensive capsizing!). 
Ive done my best since and haven't been able to get any more in through the chip in the bow which I thought was the culprit. Happily this means that the only repairs needed are cosmetic and should be fine with the correct resin epoxy filler and paint (If anyone knows the colour code used on Carbon Copy's recent yellow paint job that would be great)
any advice on intelligently replacing the control lines which run through triple blocks inside the Thwart and centreboard case? I think the Jib halyard control is due replacement. 
Boats / Re: N3459 Carbon Copy
24 Aug 2015, 10:35
Quote from: 23The article writen by Tim Tomlinson about building 3459 can now be found at:

Hello to all.
I was was hoping that someone may have a copy of the photo log which Mr Tomlinson kept throuhout the build stage of 3459. 
I own her now and am considering some upgrades/repairs but would really like to understand how she went togetheir in detail. 
PM me for email details. 
Hi Neal. 
Some pics of your design 8 would great. Thanks! 
I'll definitely be taking her away to Sample different waters as soon as I've got her under control!  
Worryingly i found a small crack in the prow this evening which I think has let in some water. Need to figure out how to fix it with the right materials.
Quote from: 1132Hello Pete, welcome to the wonderful world of 12 sailing;)  If ever fancy a bit of sailing with other 12's you are more than welcome to visit Milton Keynes SC since we are just up the road.

Hi there. That's a very kind offer. Would certainly enjoy a little open water sailing in her. 
Just in the process of removing the centre main conversion and returning her to traditional aft main setup. Doseason anyone have any recommendations on the best type of bridle/traveller arrangement for this? 
Any previous owners with experience in re rigging the jib halyard block arrangement?
Quote from: 1224Congratulations! Will we be seeing her out and about ?

Once i learn how to keep the water on the outside i'm sure she'll make an appearance.
Hi Chilli. Yes I bought her from Steve at Force 4. Top guy. Really pleased with her.
Just need to do some maintenance on the blocks and muscle box to loosen things up a bit then she'll be a dream to sail.
Todays the day for delivery....... Mega excited. Can't wait!!!!!!
Hi all,  
just paid my subs and am eagerly looking forward to receiving N3459 'Carbon Copy' who I sm happy to say is coming to live with me in sunny south Oxfordshire. 
1st N12 and only been sailing since May but have definitely got the bug  :)
Boats / Re: N3459 Carbon Copy
31 Jul 2015, 05:18
Carbon Copy is soon to be rehomed at Abbey SC in Oxfordshire. 8)