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Messages - simonf

Boats / Re: N2801 Solitude
04 Apr 2017, 11:27
Now based at River Aln Boat Club, Northumberland...
Boats / Re: N2679 Dolly Blotter
30 Sep 2015, 06:01
Sorry - it is in fact 2689 that I own...
Just been to look at her at bottom of neighbour's garden and gunwales not as I remember them - screws go through join between deck and hull and end not visible - must have dreamt that!
Still need replacing on database
Boats / Re: N2679 Dolly Blotter
30 Sep 2015, 04:55
Fabulous looking boat - particularly enjoy the minimalist interior!
I am about to start a similar process on N2869 - a grey and white(..ish) dart that I acquired a couple of years ago and has been stored until I finished my Solo (133) - I have a couple of questions for you if that's ok:
1. I see you removed the gunwales - presumably you stripped off the old varnish, revarnished and put them back on - mine are attached by screws throuigh the grp 'lip' leaving some nasty screw-ends sticking out below - is this normal?
2. How did you get the colour back on the gel coat - if a re-paint, what did you use?
Hope you can help
best rgds

Might be able to help - certainly be going South from Toon around Xmas time - is boat on  a trailer?



I hope it's not my Soggy Moggy, as it's in the garage in bits..

I own N2778,  which i found in a very sorry state in a garage in Norfolk a couple of years ago. It had been repaired/bodged over a period of time and at some point someone had epoxied over the original varnish. It's taken me ages to get the whole interior back to bare wood. The internal stringers have parted company with the hull in a number of places, there was rot in the hog under the maststep and the foredeck was badly damaged.

I am restoring the internals from scratch and hope to be afloat in the Autumn - next year I'll redeck it.


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