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Messages - Geoff & Amelia

As a member of Warsash Sailing club I have been asked if I know of anyone on the river with a N12 who would like to attend this event. Unfortunately our boat is already at Pevensey Bay in preparation for the Champs and therefore I cannot attend.


The National 12 and Okay dinghy are classes that were popular with HRSC members decades ago but now have none in the membership. 

HRSC found from the original minute book from 1919 that the very first meeting was held on August 6th 1919.

So HRSC are organising a 100 boat sail past of the Clubhouse from 5pm on Tuesday August 6th to celebrate 100 years since that very first meeting.

We are aiming to have at least one example of our older popular dinghies in the parade.

If you are interested and able to help I can put you in touch with the organiser Roger Pritchard.

HRSC is also having a get together afterwards from 7pm if the owners are interested.

Geoff Camm
Henry and I planning on going next Saturday to wash out the cobwebs in Happy Hour.

Early bird discount entry closes Mon night.

Any other takers?

Geoff Camm

Anyone available to measure a suit of sails for us on Saturday please?

Many Thanks
Hope you all enjoy Burton Week.

I would like to do a virtual entry for my 'Burton week 1989' sweatshirt, it is a classy royal blue number (now consigned to painting).

Look forward to seeing lots of you at Northampton.

Have a good week
Hi All,

As some of you may have heard, Geoff and I are off to New Zealand to live and Grafham is going to be our last open meeting...  

We would therefore like to have a beer with all our friends (thats everyone!) in the bar after the open meeting - it will not be a late one as many people will just be up for the day, but if you can join us for one that would be great.

See you there.

Geoff and Amelia
(no boat number)

ps. If anyone knows of a good home for a small cute black cat (not cheshire), we have one spare!
Anyone fancy a pleasant sail on the Thames on Sunday? I am looking for a crew for the day. If you are interested drop me a line on the discussion group.


Anyone know when the fotoboat photos are going on-line?

Amelia and I are having a garage clearout this week of all our N12 possessions. This includes a Big Issue, homemade boom, homemade daggerboard rudder, Driver centerboard, lots of fittings (including a 10" muscle box), epoxy, carbon and laminating consumables also some end of pots of stuff.

We plan to have a car boot sale during the Starcross Open this week so anyone interested should come along.

See you all then,

For those who are interested there is an alloy centerboard for sale on ebay. Probably a good buy for a restoration project.
General National 12 chat / Re: Footwear
11 May 2005, 08:29
We were watching the sailing at Shoreham on Sunday - maybe thinking about joining again next year.

Looked like a great sail!!

General National 12 chat / Re: Footwear
11 May 2005, 08:22

The best thing to do is wear a pair of 'Pop socks' over the foot of the drysuit (or really thin socks) and you will find that you foot actually simply slides into your boots.

try it!


We live in Shoreham-by-sea and own two N12s which we have sailed at Shoreham SC in the past. We decided to leave as there were no other N12s - great to hear of another coming back down south.
We are regular sailors and do many of the open meetings with varying amounts of success - if you need any help give us a call.
When you decide where to join give us call we might join too. Our tel number is in the N12 association handbook or drop us an email to chat.

Enjoy saiiling,

Geoff and Amelia
I am sure that we could be persuaded to join you at Bosham as well.  Let us know of any developments
N3488 & N3464
Sounds like you have just described a National 12: Good tacker, responsive, 20 stone perfect and great fun. Funny you mentioning Albacores and Finns as we made ourselves known sailing down in Chichester at the Snowflake series in the last few years to their dismay. Its great to compete against "faster" boats and beat them over the water as well.

The question is really which design National 12 to buy. There are a few around to cater for all wallets. Check out the website blurb on the designs and give us a call if you'd like to chat more. Email us at geoff @ (without spaces).

Have fun looking. Also check out for the last event where there was plenty of planing.



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