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Messages - sam_N12


I believe this is because the man o' war is a variation of the final chapter design, not a model of 12 in it's own right!
I may be wrong, but I think Dare Barry designed and builds these boats in the isle of white. I don't know haw many there are around though?


Tigress 3128
Thanks for the invite Helen, but my boat has bare decks at the moment and I need to wait a few weeks til it's warm enough for varnishing  :( (the joys of wooden boats!)
as soon as my boats ready (mid march) I'll be sailing every weekend and I'll try to get to as many opens as possible ;D
Hmmmm...How many open meetings are there within decent range of Deben Yacht Club??
When is there a 12 open at RHYC?

Tigress 3128
Thank you all very much for the info on the cobra :D

It'll be sailing most weekends this year at the Deben Yacht Club, Woodbridge along with a couple of other twelves.

Thanks very much, it's good to know the history of the boat.

tigress 3128
Thanks very much guys,

I think I'm going to build myself a centreboard in the next couple of weeks.
Everythings been really helpful, Thanks! ;D

tigress 3128


My dad's just bought an old GRP national12 and he wants to know what it is!?!?
Its sail number is 2712 and has wooden decks with a plastic hull.
Does anyone know what it might be or is there a register where I could find out what model it is?
It's been sold as a 'cobra' but we can't find any trace of a 'cobra' design anywhere :-/

Any information will be much apreciated

SamD 3128
General National 12 chat / DIY Carbon
01 Feb 2006, 05:58

I was just wondering how easy it is to get hold of sheets of carbon to make some foils for my N12?

How is the carbon laid up on foam, is it like ye olde fibre glassing?

Does anyone know a good place to buy carbon sheets/tapes from online?

Thanks very much

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