National 12

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Messages - Simon

General National 12 chat / Re: Gallery
29 Apr 2008, 05:52
Seems OK to me now. It might be my service provider - Tiscali.
General National 12 chat / Gallery
28 Apr 2008, 06:55
Is it me or is the gallery very slow?
General National 12 chat / Re: Handicap
28 Apr 2008, 05:50
Thanks Ted and Sam
I've not seen that arrangement before but it sounds good.
Sam is there any chance you could email the pic?
General National 12 chat / Re: Handicap
28 Apr 2008, 12:48
Hi Ted
I'm not sure what you mean by 'skiff sheeting' but I'm guessing you mean like a laser setup? Do you have any photos of yours as I would be interested. "simonatcunliffedotnet"
General National 12 chat / Re: Handicap
28 Apr 2008, 06:06
Thanks for the replies. My membership application is in the post!
We had our first sail in her yesterday and both myself and my daughter feel the hoop gets in the way. So 3309 will be going back to a transom main sheet system.
Thanks again
General National 12 chat / Handicap
27 Apr 2008, 07:57
I have a Crusader 88 which has an old set of sails (not the new rules) what PY will I sail her with?


Simon (3309)

PS I spent the winter working on her and she does look good!




Boats / Re: N3309 Silent Knight
26 Apr 2008, 11:32
Just a few pics of the boat after she had a repaint and varnish.

I think I'm going to have to put on more coats than I thought as they are quite thin. I think 4 should do it though. 
Thanks Tim for the advice about 'wet n drying' before the last coat. I had considered doing this but you just helped me make my ming up!
Would thinning the topcoat not effect the properties of the paint?
What advice can you offer on painting the centre board slot?
Hi Tim
I hadn't heard of it before coming on this forum. Preperation is everything, the area to be painted must be have the following done: sand, wet n dry (320 or finer), make sure area is as dust free as possible, use tack rag to ensure no dust on surface to be painted.
4" foam paint roller (for smooth surface, paint and varnish) (bristle can also be used)
2" foam brush (I bought 10 for £4 off ebay)
Roll out around 18"-24" of one side of the hull. Gentley (very gently) drag the foam brush across the surface. This levels the paint and removes any bubbles. Roll out next section and drag the foam brush in the direction of the last area painted. Over lap by about 1". From what I've read you can put fresh over old (by old I mean the last rolled out area i.e. around 3 mins old!) but you can't do old over fresh. DON'T BE TEMPTED TO GO BACK TO AN AREA. The paint when dried has a very smooth high gloss finish. Very much like a sprayed finish.
I used Toplac but this method can be used with many other paints and varnishes.
I've decide that it doesn't need sanding and having contacted International Yacht Paints they have confirmed that this is OK within times dependant on temprature (in my case 15 degrees C - 16 hours to 3 days)
PS Google 'Roll and Tip' for further reading.
After a previous post, I have taken others advice and used the 'roll and tip' method of painting the hull.

Now I need a bit more advice!

Between coats should I sand it down or not? I've read on the web that it's not necessary.

My concerns are:
   * There is some dust apparent in the finish - sanding would make for a better finish
   * The layer of paint is very thin - sanding may remove too much paint

Any other advice greatfully received!


PS So far I'm impressed with 'roll and tip' unfortunately it may jus put paint sprayers out of a job!
I'd not thought about doing it upside down! I suppose you'd need some good lighting.

One advantage would be that dust wouldn't come down  on it!

I'm getting ready to repaint and varnish my 12 but have just discovered (whilst removing various parts) my arms aren't long enough to reach the centre of the boat at its widest point!

I have thought about turning the hull on its side to do the work, would this be OK?


Thanks for the replies, sounds like a good idea for a crimbo present.... I'll tell the wife!
[quote by=Phil_Brown link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool1,m=1191174004,s=5 date=1191229567]I've had excellent results with 2 pot applied with a short haired 4" roller laid off immediately with a 2" foam brush which gave an immediate mirror finish which stayed.[/quote]


This all sounds a bit weird to me, I've only ever used brushes for painting! I'll have to get in touch with you when I'm ready to start painting for a bit more info form you.

