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Messages - fnewallsmith

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Thanks Gerald!

Had a manic few days since the event,

Thanks for all those that came, write up on Y & Y should be up soon,

In the mean-time feast your eyes on these pics courtesy of Simon Walworth
The sailing Club Galley will be open both days for food!!!
It's looking like a good turn-out for the weekend! I'm estimating at least 15 boats so far.....!!!!:)
As Jeremy Says, enterign one day is not a problem! The more boats the merrier!!
Where are you coming from?

Hi everyone!
My name is Felix i'm the N12 class Captain at Spinnaker!
Who's coming to the event! Should be a good two days!
P.S. (see attached poster for details)
Boats / Re: N3154 Baggy Aardvark
25 Apr 2011, 12:26
More pics;
Boats / Re: N3154 Baggy Aardvark
25 Apr 2011, 12:22
more pics;
Boats / Re: N3154 Baggy Aardvark
25 Apr 2011, 12:18
more pics;
Boats / Re: N3154 Baggy Aardvark
25 Apr 2011, 12:17
more pis;
Boats / Re: N3154 Baggy Aardvark
25 Apr 2011, 12:10
more pics..
Boats / Re: N3154 Baggy Aardvark
25 Apr 2011, 12:03
more pics...
Boats / Re: N3154 Baggy Aardvark
25 Apr 2011, 12:00
more pics...
Boats / Re: N3154 Baggy Aardvark
25 Apr 2011, 11:59
Some pics of Baggy Aardvark, who is currently up for sale.

See the for Sale database!
Hey cheers james!

Sounds great the more advice and contacts i can get the better, even i fthey cant offer me a placement i think its worth a chat!

Hopefully, altho, im not sure wen it is! shal have to check with my evr ready crew?!

thanks again,


Baggy Aardvark 3154

p.s. Boat for sale?!