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Messages - Grebesailor

Boats / Re: N3319 Crested Grebe
30 Dec 2007, 01:23
Another Picture
Don't forget actuaries

Apparently the difference between the three is their attitude to infidelity.

Solicitors prefer staying faithful to their wives, to avoid alimony.

Accountants prefer maintaining mistresses, as this enables them to make the expenses tax deductible.

Actuaries maintain wives and mistresses, as when not woth the wife, she thinks he's with the mistress, and vice versa. This enables them to spend twice as much time in the office.
Have a chat to Bob Murrell (N3435) (number in yearbook.) He removed the double floor at the front to keep 'er indoors willing to crew and it doesn't seem to have slowed him up at all. Possible even makes the boat more stable when righting.

I even seem to recall Bob did an article for Ratchet about it.

How did it go?
If so, congratulations. 25th in OK worlds in Poland.

Boats / Re: N3319 Crested Grebe
13 Jul 2007, 11:50
Picture taken at last
Bounceometer the name for your next 12?
General National 12 chat / Re: Ratchet
04 Jul 2007, 07:14
I believe you mean,

"dyslexics of the world, untie"

General National 12 chat / Re: Ratchet
03 Jul 2007, 07:53
Hear, Hear

Matrix signs on the way home from work tonight said "Closure Postponed." On A21.


Yes, Junction 5 will be ok, closure is further south.

Anyone coming from south or south west I suggest should come via Edenbridge and Four Elms past Bough Beech reservoir and Ide Hill, or if having to come via Tunbridge Wells then go via Tonbridge, Hildenborough and Sevenoaks Town Centre (Riverhead).

Boats / Re: N2969 Smokescreen
21 May 2007, 09:17
This boat was owned by Chris Clarke, when he joined Chipstead SC in 1998, up until he built 3452 (Illusion 21). Chris did a lot to lighten her, she was de-keeled, sprayed, had some carbon reinforcement and given an up to date rig.

She looked the business. She was sold to another former Chipstead member who, I believe, still has her. I understood some time ago that she was unsailed and available for sale - if so, she is one of the best inland AC boats available, I would suggest.
[I've been struggling to log into the for sale area. It doesn't recognise my password (which I wrote down) and won't let me register again because my e-mail address is already registered. I asked it to send me a new password, and this was again rejected.

I give up. What else can I try?

Whoa, there.

At the risk of offending some, lets look at the class as a whole.

We have 3500+ boats, up to 90 or so of which are DB.

This leaves 3409 which fall into the categories from vintage to AC.

The whole tone of this thread follows the trend of the past few years, summed up by DB "good", AC "entry level, we'll chuck it a few minor prizes to allow you to come and keep numbers up, but chuck it asap and get the holy grail (DB)"

I sail an AC design because I like it, it's better suited to my sailing requirements which don't, at the moment , include the championships. (Why just make up the numbers?)Yes, I would spend money on it to upgrade the rig, foils and some fittings, but I don't because the prices of AC's have been totally depressed by the obsession with DB and the investement can not therefore be justified. Look at the prices of new rigs

The DB boats create a quantum leap within the class, both in terms of cost and therefore availability, instead of a smooth progression from old to newer to new the re is only one option, new if you now want to enter and be competitive.

This was fairly obvious from the start. The Merlins don't have the problem, and it is therefore worrth upgrading some old boats until one arrives at the point where an upgrade or a newer boat becomes a toss up.

Older 12's now have no incentive to upgrade, hence the numbers that are rotting away in club dinghy parks. (The cost of new sails can be more than an AC is worth.)

If Anthony wants to create bigger fleets, etc then stop marginalising the majority of 12's in existence and say, to those people who don't like the class rule as it is, and the discipline of development within it, go and create a class and organisation of your own. I'm not anti-development, the Merlins develop within a structure that goes back to the origins of the class in a smooth progression, but the quantum leaps aren't there.

I have been trying to interest a colleague in an unused AC 12 in our dinghy park. His response is, no point, it can't compete with the newer boats. He has therefore acquired a Firefly.


Red  Hot Pudding for sale on e-bay.

Looks like a good AC entry to fleet
