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Messages - duncan


Good afternoon All
I have a vague recollection of seeing an old bit of film of N12 dinghies arriving on a train for a (large ?) regatta.  The thought is that the film was of them being unloaded (or possibly loaded afterwards) into the brake vans ?  Does this jog any memories ? 
Thanks Duncan
General National 12 chat / Re: Bailers
21 Jul 2017, 12:28
they can also leak if they have dust or grit in them, have you tried flushing them through ?
General National 12 chat / 2113
21 May 2017, 10:13
for sale on ebay, no connection

N12s will be missed   :o
Castle Semple SC
Our Open Meeting is the 1st of the Scottish Series, being raced over the bank holiday 8).  We are 20 minutes from Glasgow, with motorway the whole way from Carlisle to the last 11 miles (email me for directions). This year we are also hosting the GP14 Scottish Championships with N12 Open, so should be a good weekend.

If anyone is wanting to camp at the open meeting or in the days before to make a holiday of it, then please contact us, as camping will be available in the secure dinghy compound as in previous years. 

There should be no problems accessing the loch in the days before the meeting for that much needed practice  :o.  

There are a few B&Bs nearby, with hotels within 15 minutes drive.  Campervans can use the public car park overnight, it is on the German caravan club list of stopping points (but currently no facilities after 5pm due to the country park cutting back).  

We have not decided on the evening entertainment, might be able to entertain ourselves or have a meal, anyway food will be available (including veggie alternative, to keep some happy).

Can those wishing to come please let me know numbers so we can plan catering etc, also if anyone needs a crew, I shall try to sort them out with a wee one.

SIs should be available shortly, but expect 3 or 4 races each day, starting about mid-day Saturday & finishing early afternoon Sunday.

Duncan CSSC
& eat the (veggie) burger  :K)
I am pushing for a 11pm race, what with the short nights  -  might even put the bar at one of the buoys, collect points at the other buoys - what do people think ?
Hi Jean, had a committee meeting this evening, & camping is available from Tuesday/Wednesday.  Contact me nearer the date to confirm arrangements.  Duncan
Hi Sleepy Jean
There should be no problems accessing the loch, it might be fairly busy if the centre are running courses on the Thurs & Fri ( no details yet ).  We know about distracting the Centre's courses, our cadets do it frequently in N12s & Ents.  Best to assume that there would not be any rescue cover though, club members will probably be down on Wed evening racing, on the Fri setting up & maybe the Thurs even practicing.
There are a few B&Bs nearby, with hotels within 15 minutes drive.  Campervans can use the public car park overnight, it is on the German caravan club list of stopping points (but currently no facilities after 5pm due to the country park cutting back). 
If anyone is wanting to camp at the open meeting, then please contact us, as camping will be available (free) in the secure dinghy compound as in previous years.  This year we are hosting the GP14 Scottish Championships with N12 Open, so should be a good weekend.
The more the merrier, any questions please ask, Angus will tell you how friendly we are  ;D ( and we haven't even bribed him yet ;) )
Duncan CSSC
I might not put the wee one in latex gloves, due to the allergic reaction they can cause in some people.  I am not an immunologist, but might not be a good idea to expose a wee one to latex.  There are disposable neoprene gloves available instead of latex ones & I have not come across any neoprene allergy problems.
Crews allocated, is anyone else coming as we want to plan for food & celeidh ?

Should be 2 paper darts

Can boats let me know if they want to camp, motorhome etc, as we want to cut the grass, allocate areas and mark out for the gizbo.  Thanks  Duncan
Final event in the Scottish series, inland loch, briefing 12pm Saturday, entry £30 per boat
Famous for the Saturday evening buffet & ceilidh £18 inc vegetarian option, please let me know for numbers, click on me to send an email
Food available all day, I might even be persuaded to do bacon butties for Sunday breakfast, if there is enough left before the shops reopen
Keen young crews available, let me know if you need one
Plenty of room for tents & motorhomes (hardstanding)
General National 12 chat / Re: Solway
18 Aug 2014, 01:02
Sorry Angus, can't make it either, having to ration my weekends !  
Am also busy training cadet crews for our open meeting at Castle Semple for those who might be crewless ( sorry, almost said clueless !)
Many thanks Jon, will try that, Angus & tennis balls !!  (light weight crews should be available at Castle Semple SC for the Oct round of the Scottish Series).
John, still miss the tiger, but plastic is so much easier in our climate.
ps the boat seems to be totally original, even the sails which are still a bit crispy after 41 years !! - was it ever sailed ?  prises for originality ?