National 12

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Messages - Tom Jefferies

I got my first 12, 3229 at 15. At that time we had a strong 12 fleet at Saltash and would regularly have 6-7 boats racing on a Tuesday night. What made the 12 class special was how welcoming and helpful everyone is. I don't think this has changed. There is always someone available to help or work late In the boat Park. I think almost everyone had benefited from grazz's toolbox!

The competitive side of the 12 fleet has changed, I believe markedly since the introduction of the foils. Yes double bottom boats were generally faster but an old admirals cupper always had a fighting chance against her younger faster sibling. It is harder to see db boats having the same fighting chance against foils in anything past a drift fest.

I think one of the biggest differences between the the 12 class and other classes mentioned like the 200 is that it is very hard to jump in a 12 and go quickly from the offset. People like being competitive, and let's face people buy a 12 (definitely a db 12) because they want to race. They are not known for being a comfortable cruising boat! We need to do more to help people yune their 12's.

The discussion on whether or not to get rid of foils will be debated for a long time but a discussion at the AGM, held at Burton week, we have established this is now an event of diminishing numbers dominated by foils will not solve the problem. A wider fleet wide consultation is required.

An interesting option that the class might be interested in trialing is allowing boats to race off their recommended PY at open meetings and Burton week. It should add interest and allow people with "uncompetitive" boats the chance to compete for overalls not just some subsidiary.

I would personally attend Burton week regardless in 3438 but unfortunately life is currently getting in the way and we are limited to evening sailing, but I can't deny that I would look forward to the racing more knowing that if we sailed our boat to the maximum potential we still have a chance!

Tom Jefferies

Being sailed for the first time by Tom Jefferies and Hannah Wickenden at South Cerney Sailing Club
We are really looking forward to being back in Salcombe! looking forward to seeing everyone soon!
Hi All

Does anyone have a room that they are looking to fill for Salcombe week, or know of anyone looking to fill a room? Hannah and I have managed to be free and are really looking forward to the week! Hope to see lots of you there!

Tom and Hannah
General National 12 chat / N3438 Colour
28 Jun 2016, 07:27
Hi All

Im hoping someone can help me. I have just purchased N3438,  a P&B foolish and need to order some gel coat to do a few small repairs. Can anyone tell me who the original owner was or tell me the gel colour to help Winder Boats match the colour for me?


Thanks Gavin, picked up a foolish yesterday. Need go do a few things to it before sailing, plus a bit of practice. It's been a while!!
Hi Chris

Thanks for the info. Would be interested to find out more. I have been away from the class for a few years so have not got the most up to date contacts book. Could you please email the contact details.

Thanks Meds

Hopefully see you over the summer if all goes to plan!

Hi Guys

Are there any 12's club sailing near bristol? We are looking for a club to join for the summer (hopefully with a new boat!) and would love to be sailing with other 12's. Does anyone still sail at BCYC?

Hi Guys

We will be returning to the UK for the summer (unless work commitments change at the last minute!) and are looking for a double bottom 12 to buy. Is the current second hand boat list up to date? We are not necessarily looking for a foiled boat, anything not wooden with good sails would be great.

Tom and Hannah
Sorry we couldn't be there, gutted to miss it! We nearly made it! Hannah hopes you enjoyed the wine Helen!
Tom and Hannah
John will accept kind offer for the tent space if we dont have any luck with b+b's before the weekend. will bring lots of duvets and warm clothes!! looking forward to getting back in a 12!
Is everyone planning on going to the yacht club on the saturday night?
Myself and Hannah are hoping to be there. we will be sailing in a foolish this time! thankyou very much nigel blazeby! On a cheaky note does anyone have a spare sofa or bit of floor for the saturday night? we would of course be willing to pay a share!!
Hope to see you all there!
Boats / Re: N3229 Ariadne
27 Jul 2013, 05:11

Being sailed in 2013 by Tom and Hannah
Boats / Re: N3229 Ariadne
27 Jul 2013, 05:09
Ariadne has been owned by Tom Jefferies since 2002 and was sailed at saltash untill 2006. After a few years sitting not really doing alot she was at long last sailed again in july 2013!