National 12

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Messages - Chris Aldis

Boats / Re: N2503 Uncle Stalky
28 Dec 2019, 07:51
Hi Rob, I, too, hope that you enjoy sailing him. I still have fond memories of this National 12.
Boats / Re: N2503 Uncle Stalky
29 Mar 2018, 07:49
Amazing to think that this 12 that we built in a cowshed 50 years ago is still going!
Do I remember right that the Burton was held at Weymouth 50 yrs ago in 1967? One day (at least) was blown off with force 8 - 9. Also didn't Phil debut China Doll?
Back to the asylum, Chris
Boats / Re: N1876 Ginder
04 Apr 2012, 08:57
In the 1960s Ginder was owned and sailed by Ralph Savery. Ginder was based at Avon Sailing Club - on the Severn near Tewkesbury! I used to enter the annual open meeting and remember Ginder's transom very well. Ralph was famous for inventing the self baler which he called the 'Avon Baler'. Old Twelvers will remember these.
I don't know what happened to the boat over the intervening years but imagine my surprise when while cycling in the Berkeley Vale I came across Ginder looking rather worse for wear gracing the driveway entrance to a house at Waterend just north of Upper Framilode. She looks restorable - but I expect that there are still loads of usable Smugglers out there.
Happy Twelving, Chris
Boats / Re: N2503 Uncle Stalky
05 Oct 2007, 02:28
Uncle Stalky is a combined design effort by Jim and I during our student days as respectively applied and theoretical physicists. Jim was at Bath and sailed on Cheddar and I at Southampton sailing at Hamble. Jim had already designed and built N2401, Bunyip. We designed Uncle Stalky specifically for my light weight for inland racing in lightish winds. Jim did an industry placement as part of his degree and worked at the NPL ship test facility at Feltham. Very useful when designing Nationals!

There were a few unique aspects of Stalky for the time. 'He' was only a 6 planker when all other 12s were at least 7 planks and the strake at the bilge turn at the transom was merged with its neighbour to show only 5 planks on the transom. It is very neat and shows Jim's eye for a pretty design.

I raced Stalky intensively in 1970 to 72 with considerable success, I think we came 2nd in the Burton in 70 or 71. I think we also had a grand slam at Salcombe about then as well (my favourite sailing venue).
Stalky has remained in the family until sister Gill passed him on when she emigrated to NZ.

Boats / Re: N1824 Santy Anna
05 Oct 2007, 02:06
Santy Anna was my first Nat 12. She was a very well built and pretty Chippendale hull which I proceeded to destroy by experimenting with all possible gadgets. In spite of all this attention she went superbly in light winds and, combined with my masterly yachtsmanship, was unbeatable to windward in anything under force 4.
As with all Mk9s she was seriously exciting on a dead run in anything of a breeze!
I won a lot of stuff in her including Admirals and Corrigan trophies at the Burton.
Remembered with much affection.

Boats / Re: N2401 Bunyip
05 Oct 2007, 01:55
Bunyip is my brother Jim's first home designed and built National. Based on the Roscoe Squid design with the dangerous fine bow section filled out. Was the terror of ELSC and elsewhere for a number of years.
Bunyip is an Aboriginal mythical beast and an appropriate name for Jim's boat.
N2440 was a Bunyip upgrade with some minor mods. Raced by Pete Chignall, also at ELSC.
