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Messages - sunbird

Boats / Re: N457 Sunbird
03 Dec 2007, 09:52
Hi Tim    Thanks for yourmessage and advice.  We live in France so will try and source the oak here but failing that will try in the UK when we go bach there at Christmas.  Will let you know how things progress - like ly to be slow as the project has alreadybeen waiting about 17 years but retirement shouldgive memore time.
Kind regards
Richard Clay
Boats / Re: N457 Sunbird
02 Dec 2007, 09:37
I bought Sunbird in 1972 and am about to start restoring it.    She was built by Dixon's of Exmouth.  A few questions:  Does anyone know who designed it?   I believe it was Uffa Fox.  Secondly, I need to replace some of the ribs - can anyone tell me what wood to use?   Any help would be much appreciated.
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