National 12

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Messages - jimmy

this weekend National 12 Open on Saturday briefing @10:45 and first race @11
just in case anyone wanted to know.........
I think i maybe putting in an appearance, now i have just found the boat sitting at the bottom of the garden....
I think soggy moggy may be ready for this event........
General National 12 chat / Re: help!!!
11 Mar 2009, 03:57
hi, I think a few 12s have all headed up to leigh and lowton for the winter series, but there are a few 12s at redesmere, which is near macclesfield but that begains sailing in march

soggy moggy now has no bit carried away with the belt sander
        I wouldn't go anywhere near burton week or the gill series, these already have youth (under 21) prizes. But i would also change the age to under 21 to be in line with the gill series and burton week. But other than that it seams like a good idea!!
Jimmy Whitehead
well now
       I do believe this new formatt could bring at lest one boat from the whitehead house hold, two might be pushing it........ It is eary enough not to clash with any SB3 stuff. Talking of SB3's they do the 4 day formatt and it works really well, they get 20 plus boats at events, not bad when you have 4 people to organise! As far as students apply speaking from experance smell what you are speaking! Your telling me you will spend your bank holiday in your room with your books and not in the pub?? Yeah right! I never worked that weekend, though did try! So you only lose one day.......hmmm not that big a lose in my view.
     To bring this to a close, a 4 day event does work for the people in full time employment( last time i looked was most of the 12 fleet), as they only lose one day of holiday and not 5. So for the niche, students are because i look through the results and i cant see that many, it may not work but for the masses it does therefore the lesser of two evils...

Soggy Moggie (still in the house)
Since i dont know where to put this, havent actually looked either, I seam to have a needle spa mast and a boom with all the fittings on that i dont need.

Price is £125

Please contact me via this email

Jimmy Whitehead