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Messages - hutch

Boats / Re: N3228 White Tiger
16 Aug 2009, 08:57
Photos taken at Leigh and Lowton last year with same crew.

After a second years use at Salcombe over the last fortnight the boat has now been repainted on the underside (same colour) with the varnish being repaired where needed and is now up for sale as Sarah is starting at University and struggling to find time to make use of the boat.

Hey! Thats brillient. On (most) peoples excellent advice I'm planning to come to Leigh&Lowton this Sunday (31st August) and shall see what I find ;D but im encouraged, partly by how friendly my uncle said everyone was (he lives in bolton and nipped in for a look) and also because I've heard that another nearly by lake that i was considering - Winsford Flash - is suprisingly shallow.  


Hey, as a week racing in Salcombe was bound to prove - I'm not going to get very far only sailing 2 weeks a year. So I really need to find a good club to race and practice at ;D
I've only ever sailed casually  for 2 weeks a year before this summer and have never sailed in-land or in a club but I am looking to get a lot more experience before university (next year) and would be more than happy to devote my sunday's to sailing ;D
As far as I can tell all  I  want  from a club is good wind and a decent number of national sailors to compete with, also only being 17 I am interested in any social 'youth' aspects if this is an option.
I live half way between Chester and Crewe and my crew lives in Bolton  so I was wondering if anyone knew the best sailing clubs for National 12s in the Cheshire/Bolton area?

Cheers, Sarah
Hi, thanks for the responses, reading them with interested.
Interesting reading about Toms hinged centerboard, never come across anything like that before a very interesting concept. I designed and fitted a schilling rudder to our narrowboat, although that was for very different reasons!!  

This afternoons races where canceled (second time in 40 years apprently) so I took some other photos of the boat  showing the wedges (and tunnels) a less good one of the front buoyancy tanks.
 Would the wedges have been fitted to the boat from new then? Or where they just a common retro fit people added to crusaders? Gerry?
 The tunnels do seam to work,  the boat will sail dry given time, although compared to a topaz/rs200 i think its going to take a little more getting used to! 
 The sails seams to be dated 2001 and seam to be in fairly good shape. We also have a second set which are in less good condition, and also a firefly main.

Having just read the thread about N3309 (linky) i thought i would post a similar thread.

We acquired N3228 around three weeks ago and have be sailing her at salcombe during our annual fortnights holiday including entering the SYC regatta this week.
 - Sarah wanted to enter something but having out grown the Jnr Handicap could no longer sail the Topaz, with the RS200 being rather daunting and heavy, hence the twelve...

We know little about nationals although the family a owned Objet d'Art (N2689) a generation ago.
 So far we've just been on a fast learning curve just trying to keep the thing up, that they dont go very well full of water, and maybe vaguely where some of the 'extra ropes' should be!
 However we're all keen to know what we can about the boat and how to better it and ourselfs! We believe (from the database) the boat was build be Gerry Ledgar originally, and talked briefly to Derek Davies yesterday on MillBay who shed more light but was unable at the time to come up with who was the original owner or talk for long (it was pretty cold and windy).

I'll have to get some  photos up but we believe at some point someone has modified/addedto the underside hull as it appears different to most (flat area around 2ft wide) and also added a little additional buoyancy (although this leaks) infront of the centreboard casing.

 That said, although she wouldnt miss a coat of paint and a bit of tlc, she basical appears sound.

Well that was windy enough for a first day.

Having only bought the boat three weeks ago [N3228]  we managed the first mark and a dosen capsizes shortly after that before retiring to millbay to watch the carnage from the land!  Roll on tomorrow!!

Boats / Re: N3228 White Tiger
04 Aug 2008, 11:01
Bought from Chris Ancorn (Bartley SC) July 2008.
 Now sailed by Sarah Hutchinson seasonally at Salcombe, renamed to Agamemnon. Stored in Cheshire.

Edited to add photos: Sarah and crew Abigail Mason at salcombe. 


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