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Messages - Brian 42

This rule change could, just possibly, transform open meeting numbers ..
I too was a little suprised by the change when I first found out about it at Burghfield last weekend. Initially I was quite disappointed, but on reflection I think this could turn out to be a very good idea because it is now possible for owners of old boats to upgrade and really improve performance without putting them out of contention for the AC trophies. The real potential gain here could be in providing a way to get reasonably competitive middle order (rather than back marker) boats for a price that would fill the gaping hole in the second hand boats list.
Bouncer has sort of shown the way with this - maybe we can't all aspire to doing such a superb rebuild job or sail the boat so well afterwards, but real improvements in performance should be possible and potentially at a great price.
Any opinions? ...All you boatbuilders out there, amateur and professional; could a decent job be done somehow for £3,500.00 or less??? (ie buy an old boat, fit double floor, carbon mast, new sails and perhaps a kevlar skin for the wooden boats). Could some kind of kit be produced for the more common designs, or perhaps some pre made flooring material that a home builder with woodworking skills could work with ???
If it could be shown that a competitive middle order boat could be put on the water for this sort of money, I think we could see boat numbers and open meeting turnouts suddenly heading very much the right way. What would also really help move this, and would offset any forthcoming minimum weight reductions would be a relaxation in some rules specifically to keep the AC boats at least middle order competitive - eg the gunwale overhang rule, so the old boats could be widened up forward to give the crew more hiking power, or perhaps allowing a lower centre of gravity on the mast etc .... Wouldn't it be great to see more old, rejuvenated boats like Bouncer fighting for the money places against the likes of Babel Fish ??
There are so many reasons for keeping the older boats competitive - not least the environmental one, but imagine if you could put a decent boat on the water that could get you the middle of the main fleet and the front of the AC for around three grand - that sounds like a real bargain to me!!
Any thoughts?
3111 (heading for retirement unless she can be made competitive again)