National 12

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Messages - Bryn_7

I think I will be there for the morning at least. Not sure about the afternoon Because exams on monday.
Thanks but the pictures 720 x 540?
Hello, I'm having problems uploading pictures can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong. I can get the box for the image  to appear when inserting one after typing in it's dimensions but the actual image doesn't come up. Can anyone help?

Thanks guys. Mike as Phills at Spinnaker anyway I make take up his offer but thanks very much. What happened to break them?
This isn't important is it? Good old Phill.
       Does anyone know any cheap ways of making carbon booms or where carbon tubes could be bought? I'm thinking of trying to make one because the current aluminium/steel one on my 12 probably ways more than the mast. 
Would carbon tubes be strong enough as well?


Bryn 3077
Boats / Re: N3077 Dissipation
07 May 2010, 11:36
Boat currently being sailed at Spinnaker Sc. Am planning to overhaul in the summer as a new paint job is needed.