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Messages - popeye

Thanks Antony

Thats where I was comming from. And I was only taking the rudder as an example. Having not had a develoent class before I wondered if you had to be carefully and choosie of your insurer. 

General National 12 chat / Insurance!?
09 Dec 2011, 09:55
Hi all is there anyone inparticular who you all tend to insure with?

Woundered who was best with development classes. Reckon most would quible if breaking a £1000 winged rudder and how to justify to them. New for old also.

Thanks Ali
Thanks for the info. well iam on the hunt so if anyone is planning on selling a good boat then let me know.
Iam not far from Hayling so could meet u all at the nationals next year!
Hi again all this is my thread from a couple of years ago :-/. At the time in the end my boat money became the deposit for my house! Lol
Do you have any more detailed shots of the boat by any chance? can i ask what your combined weight was with your crew? I belive this design handles heavier sailers better is this correct?

Thanks Ali
Hi All
Having been out the fantastic hobbie for 2 years now i am planning my return. I am thinking about buying a good spec 12 in the very near future to sail with my wife and my brother in law on the very extreme of days on the sea!
I have never owned or helmed a 12 before but they are the only boat that tick most boxed for me having come from a fairly extreme boat background. Owned RS800, Int Moth, Rs600, 700 and last boat a 400 with the wife but two light in all honistly.

After some advice re the best optium weight and and best design for the sea. Me and the wife combined weigh 23st but i know mine will drop again once sailing. as for with the brother in law will be around 26st, is this to heavy for any 12 evan in heavy winds?

All advice apreciated.  Thanks Alistair (Popeye)
Yes valid points, its more to do with national 12's are a fairly specialist boat and how easy they are to re-sell iam not sure. I dont want to be stuck with a boat that when the time comes and i want  to buy a better spec 12 i will be able to sell it.
Or will be able to sell it but will proberly take several months in doing so.
Yer sorry I didnt quite mean that dated, as in still ally masts and booms. I mean at what age of boat do you leave as is, and upgrade to a newer much stiffer design before losing loads of money when you do want to sell it.
are the older boats worth upgrading as the 12 changes slowly, or is it worth sailing with what you got and saving for one of the latest designs?
Also how do 12's benifit from a lowerd foredeck like the likes of carbon paw print surely this is only going to make pitchpoles become more likely! (amazing looking boat tho, love it in lime green!)
Hope you okk dont mind me asking lots of questions???
Can someone tell me how the Big issue 2 differs to the Big issue. What have most standerd Big issues undergone to become Big issue 2's.
Regards Popeye (Alistair)
Yes i agree. My concern is that if i buy an old design how easy is it going to be to re-sell and at handicap racing will it be able to sail off its py. So i want to make the best cost effective decision. I have sailed 12s in the past and know the score.
Thanks for that Michael I will keep an eye on your blog.
What is it about the dead cat bounce that differs it to the other many designs? Surely its difficult to judge different designs because everyones skills vary sailing the designs.  
unfortunatly I wont be able to make it next weekend. Will try get to an event at some point tho.
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