National 12

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Messages - Stuart Hopson

Lasagnes for two please. Debi Will be sailing with Naomi in Carbon Paw Print. I'll be kicking about or possibly of cycling whilst everyone is on the water... inless anyone wants a 14 stone crew ;D
I would sugest 3mm, 4mmis overkill
Sorry we can only make it in the morning now due to a clash with some fireball sailing. We'll come and say hello but won't be sailing
The Alverbanks Baggy should be there, provided we get it painted, fitted out, re-roped and find some time to make some sails. 8)
Boats / Re: N3111 42
07 Feb 2010, 08:26
I picked up 3111 for my fiancee, Debi, yesterday.
Debi has sailed a few N12s over the years, and we will be puttin 3111 in the garage for a little tidy up and repaint over the coming weeks before '42', Debi and a new suit of alverbanks ;) are let lose on the midlands circuit!