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General National 12 chat / N2207 Alchemy
Last post by DrJohn - 13 Jul 2023, 06:52
Saw N2207 (Alchemy, March Hare design) up for sale on Facebook market place. Considering it looked like a pile of firewood (half the deck off, obvious rot around the keel) I think the seller was flying a kite asking £300. Don't think it is much longer for this world.
Boats / Re: N3244 Why Can't You ...?
Last post by edwillett - 10 Jul 2023, 09:31
Hope to see you there (at Whitefriars) soon....I am out in the N12 on Weds evenings....
Boats / Re: N3244 Why Can't You ...?
Last post by Dominic Horner - 05 Jul 2023, 08:35
Bought 3244 last month to sail with my daughter(s).  She's now moved inland, and in fact back, to Whitefriars.  Only been out a couple of times but loving her so far ;D
I have worked in the surf industry for 30 years and we're going through this very process world wide moving to bio resins and foam/constructions methods based on organic/biodegradable substances, mostly coming from algae and mushrooms. Not sure the issue is with a small class like the N12 though, it's more with toxic mass production of RS/Laser/Topper style boats coming out in huge volume (I'm not against these boats, just the production techniques)

The bigger environmental issue is Neoprene though, surfing is moving towards Yulex completely plant based material, and now as good/better than neoprene. The sailing industry (except Gul) are light years behind, Neoprene is firstly a big co2 producer but also the production is massively damaging to human health, check out - - the largest cancer cluster in the world is due to the factory which has made three quarters of our wetsuits and other Neoprene products, yet we are as an industry ignoring it. So I think this is an area we could make much more impact in the short term. 
General National 12 chat / Re: Turner Collection
Last post by paul turner - 03 Jul 2023, 03:57
Update - Mr Jones is now with Ben Jones, son of Martin Jones the designer of N2399. See boat database for more info :) . P
Boats / Re: N2399 Mr. Jones
Last post by paul turner - 03 Jul 2023, 03:55
I received this email a few days ago:

Dear Paul,
Thought I would drop you a line to let you know my father, C M Jones (always known as Martin and the designer of Mr Jones) turns 90 this August. I didn't know if you had any photos you could share of her sailing/ restoration as he and my mother, who met him through sailing, were pleased to hear people are still enjoying the boats he designed. He designed the boat for a chap called Hugh Welbourne who apparently asked my father for the design to be extreme! My father moved onto sailing Squibs in the early 70s in which he taught me to sail before moving on to gliding in retirement and moving down to Cornwall where my parents now live, although I now live in the Midlands for work reasons.
Kind regards
Ben Jones

Following several further emails I delivered Mr Jones to Ben this morning together with a pack of various old documents charting the history of N2399. I believe that Ben's intention is to take Mr Jones down to Cornwall to sail.
My everyday job revolves around sustainability and the circular economy in transport and so I am continuously reminded about the impact that our choices of material make and will make to our environment and our climate. I believe that N12 owners, illustrated by their choice of boat, will be more interested in sustainable living than the average Brit. I am therefore hoping that we could take an environmental lead in sailing by controlling the use of materials through our class rules.

It doesn't take long using your favourite internet search engine to reveal the sort of impact that GRP and more fancy construction methods are having; when it is no longer possible to sell on that plastic boat, it gets abandoned close to shore and gradually decays leaving significant quantities of micro-plastics floating around to poison us and other creatures. Nearly all the studies into the environmental impact of small marine craft recommend that the best form of lightweight construction for the environment remains plywood with low impact epoxy.

We know that wooden boats remain desirable and have a much longer life than GRP. We do, afterall, have an active Vintage fleet but I can't imagine anyone wanting to keep afloat some of those early GRP boats that are now beyond competitive life and are languishing in the corner of our dinghy parks unused.

We have an interesting situation where, apparently, there are no moulds for composite construction as they have all been destroyed. Unless new moulds are made, the most cost effective means of construction would be to follow Simon Hipkin's lead and make using ply.

I would like to suggest that we look to restrict the materials that we build our hulls from in order to protect our environment. I'd like to suggest that hulls are made primarily from wood bonded together with bio-resin. We could allow glass fibre or, if they develop sufficiently, bio-fabric tapes to cover joints but could easily limit their use to within, say, 35mm of any joint. Bio-resin is an area that is fast evolving but I've used Entropy (a West Resin's brand) and GreenPoxy (a Sicomin brand) very successfully; we would have to have a moving minimum standard for what equates as "bio" epoxy as this area develops. Epoxy filler materials for fillets, fairing etc would still be needed.

I would not propose any restrictions on materials for centreboard, rudder and assembly or rig but I guess these could, in time, be looked into.

I would suggest grand-fathering any boat made or issued with a sail number before the introduction of such a change.

Would you greet the suggesting of an addition to rule 5, Hull Construction, with howls of anguish or would you give it your support?
Boats / Re: N1650 Smuggler
Last post by paul turner - 30 Jun 2023, 09:16
Hi Paul, Saw your item of 24th May on the Nat 12 site .

I would like to add to the history you have on Smuggler.

I bought it from Rowsel boat yard in the late 1970`s and sold it to a guy from Wales about 1984/5.

I live in Barnstaple, North Devon and have attached a pic of me in the Torridge at Instow .It was a surprise to learn that she was still being used.

Hope you manage to sell her .

Brian Langley
General National 12 chat / Re: Rig Settings Help
Last post by grazz - 27 Jun 2023, 06:38
Could you share some photos of the mast from the rear and side in both the upright and raked positions - this might help poeple give you tips
General National 12 chat / Virtual Regatta
Last post by joshuacarney - 27 Jun 2023, 10:22
ATF Is Gay T-Shirt: A Beacon Of Hope For LGBTQ Folks

The iconic ATF Is Gay Shirt, created by the LionKingShirt brand, has powerfully uplifted visibility and pride for LGBTQ folks. Featuring bold yellow text on a black background, the design honors ATF officer Emma Brown's viral coming-out speech. Wearing this impactful shirt allows queer folks and their allies to celebrate their identity openly.

How LGBTQ T-Shirts Inspire Hope

For marginalized groups, T-shirts allow powerful self-expression. This holds especially true for LGBTQ communities, who have leaned on apparel to uplift each other and spread messages of pride. A rainbow accessory whispers solidarity, while slogan tees broadcast acceptance more loudly.

Clothing creates connection, helping queer people recognize allies and find belonging. T-shirts also raise awareness, sparking curiosity in observers. An identity once hidden now decorates one's chest, refusing to be confined. Each rainbow-hued shirt chipping away at stigma expands what's possible.

The Story Behind This Irreverent Shirt

In 2021, ATF special agent Emma Brown made headlines when she courageously came out as gay publicly during a viral speech at an agency event. She described spending years hiding her true identity out of fear of discrimination in the workplace. Brown shared how she constantly felt pided and forced to keep her personal life completely separate from her professional role.

This "ATF Is Gay" sweatshirt boldly celebrates LGBTQ+ pride and equality

At the speech's powerful conclusion, Brown declared she would no longer live as two halves. She was ready to fully embrace her identity with pride, no longer letting stigma keep her silent and ashamed. Footage of the speech, in which Brown voiced these gripping revelations with raw emotion, soon went viral online.

In solidarity with Brown's story, the POD brand LionKingShirt created a t-shirt declaring "ATF Is Gay" in bold yellow letters across a plain black background. This frank, prominent text mirrored the forward-facing pride of Brown's speech.

While some conservatives pushed back against the shirt's radical openness, it deeply resonated with LGBTQ people seeking honest representation. The tee's creation wove Emma Brown's personal story into the fabric of queer history. Its release further amplified her message of living genuinely without fear. The shirt also highlighted ongoing challenges, showing much progress remains needed for true equality.

For the LGBTQ community, Brown's speech and the commemorative tee gave hope and courage. They were reminders that living freely as oneself is possible, even within restricting systems. By inspiring solidarity and sparking discussion, the ATF is Gay T Shirt keeps the push for acceptance moving forward.

How You Make An Impact Wearing This Shirt

Feel Pride Openly

Simply putting on this ATF Is Gay T-shirt can instill confidence and liberation. The bold text prominently stretched across your chest refuses to minimize or hide who you are. Wearing such a direct, plainly visible statement makes it impossible to erase one's identity, even in restrictive spaces. The shirt's stark messaging reminds you to assert your place as yourself. Your right to exist openly deserves recognition on your terms.

Inspire Reflection

The shirt's confrontational presentation often sparks dialogue with observers. Some may ask about the meaning behind the bold text, while others stare or recoil. Rather than react defensively, you should lean into these interactions as chances for mutual growth through discussion. While these talks may seem uncomfortable, they plant the seeds for overcoming prejudices.

Straightforward message of pride and support for the LGBTQ+ community

Give Hope To Others For Free

Simply seeing someone confidently wearing a shirt announcing "ATF Is Gay" can provide comfort for other queer inpiduals feeling isolated or unseen. The visibility reassures them they are not alone in their journey. Your boldness gives you the courage to live genuinely without compromise. It offers hope that being out and proud openly is possible, even in unlikely places. Your tee becomes a beacon, reflecting the future more have been convinced to believe impossible. Small actions ripple out wide when undertaken with purpose.

If you can feel the power of the message, come down to to own one of these shirts today!


With its striking text mirroring Emma Brown's unflinching speech, The ATF Is Gay tee creates change through radical acceptance. Wearing this prideful message inspires other LGBTQ people struggling to embrace themselves. Your visibility gives courage. With each interaction sparked by the shirt, understanding expands. This simple act of representation makes the world more welcoming.
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