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Is anyone going to Inlands and Salcombe

Started by James Taylor, 25 Sep 2006, 03:21

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James Taylor

Need some help please anyone going to the Inland and then the open Meeting in Salcombe please let me know as I am trying to get a mast down from P&B.  And being Way down west  ??) is proving to be a bit of a problem.

Number is in the Book


James & Emma
3402 & 3304

Antony (Guest)

Sadly I am not going to make it to Salcombe, despite an orignal plan to be there.  I think, on the other hand and if you are desperate, that there is a plan in here somewhere.  

I am going to the Inlands, and then to Brixham the weekend before Salcombe to meet BYC.  Meds is not going to the Inlands or Salcombe Open but I think is going to Salcombe the weekend that we are at Brixham.  The big problem is that neither of us were planning to take a 12 to the SW as we are only going for a meeting, hence the slight reluctance.

The real question is, therefore, who is going to Salcombe from anywhere near London?



James - can't help you - but emailed youon hocuspocus for the sizes of your flaps (oh err missus!) so I can help you gte covered up.

Let me know.


James Taylor

Sorry Kean  

Been really busy haven't been near the boat since Starcross (HHHHmmmmmmmmmm  Long way for a little drift.)

Will email you with sizes as soon as.


3304  & 3402

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