National 12

Winter Champs

Started by helen, 18 Mar 2006, 12:21

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Antony (Guest)

Booked my food.  Time to get in touch with Helen to confirm what you want to eat.



Hi there, have over 30 confirmed now for dinner but still waiting to hear from a few others.  

This is always a really good sailing event as we sail to the tide and all the yachts are on the shore! Brilliant! 9 boats have already said they will join us.  So why not get the boat out, have a bit of winter practice ready for the new season and come and have a good social the night before???

it will be great



Is this weekend! I have 48 people coming so it should be a really good event.  If you still want to come and haven't got back to me (or haven't given me your food choices yet!) then I need to know by Tuesday.

antony (Guest)

15knots, and not too cold, sounds like everybody should head for Woolverstone on Sunday.

Helen now has over 50 people signed up for the dinner.

Too late for the dinner, but not too late for the sailing on Sunday.
