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N3496 Flipside

Started by National 12 Webmaster, 16 Feb 2007, 09:11

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National 12 Webmaster

The life of N3496 Flipside. Design: Numinous, designed by: Bim Daser in 2001


Flipside is our current boat - my 12th 12 - built in carbon by Brett Dingwall in a shed just off the M25 in Hertfordshire over the winter of 2004-05, and the boat is a complete joy.  The mast is by Chipstow, the board by Kevin Driver and Kevan made the sails. So far in two seasons we've done a load of open meetings around the Thames area and beyond, and a Salcombe Week, and have won more in this boat than any other we have sailed.  Numinouses are devlilishly quick in light airs and I'm at a loss as to why more haven't been built.

Mike D


Here's Flipside in the conditions it loves best ... Trent Valley open meeting 2006


... and at the 70th Anniversary meeting at Pitsford in 2006.


Salcombe 2009...................



Flipside, Thames Area Champion 2008.  From above, Sept 2009.


Flipside sailing off into the sunset, at Twickenham.


And here is Flipside arriving in the sunset at her new home Leigh and Lowton SC

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