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Alverbank rises again!

Started by paul turner, 11 Dec 2010, 03:29

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paul turner

<font size="3">After the demise of Alverbank Sails (and Alverbanks under Stuart’s ownership) Kevan Bloor has decided that, rather than let the Championship winning designs go to waste, he would pass his National Twelve patterns on to Jim Hunt and Andy Davis at Speed Sails. Jim and Andy have a huge reputation in the sailmaking world and were please to get involved with the Class. They will be producing both the Championship winning Laminate design as well as the Classic Dacron design for older boats.
All Kevan’s N12 patterns are now with Jim and Andy and N12 sail production will start in January; Kevan will remain in charge of overseeing design and quality control. </font>
Kevan and I hope that you will give Speeds the support that you gave to Alverbanks Sails over the years and that you will be keen to continue with the successful Alverbank design to be produced by Speed Sails.
So what do you know about Speeds? Although new to the N12s, Speed Sails have a long standing reputation for top class competitive sails for a number of other classes including Merlin’s, Solo’s. Fireball’s, GP’s and Enterprises etc.  Contact them via their website </font>
And a Happy Christmas and a fab yotting New Year to you all!</font>

paul turner

Thank you for the kind messages that Kevan and I have received - a few examples:

"I was very pleased to see the posting, it was not good to have nearly all the sails coming out of one loft"

"I am glad to hear that Kevan's skills will not be lost. My Solo has a Speed Sail and I am happy with Speed's skills and workmanship"

"Delighted to get your email and Alverbank update. Look forward to just having to buy some new sails!"
Kevan and I are going over to Speeds next Wednesday to start work with them; will keep you all updated! 8)

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