National 12

How do I know if I'm sheeting to hard

Started by ifoxwell, 27 May 2010, 01:34

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Simple question that i probably already know the answer to however i'll ask.
We started off sailing BiCycle clips with the jib eased just a tag and the main set accordingly.
We now seem to sheet the jib and main much harder. Everything still feels ok, we point really high compared to the mixed handicap fleet that we sail against but we cant help wonderiung if this is the wrong thing to do.
How hard to other people sheet in, how do i know whats right.
Now I know your all gonna say get along to a few opens and see what the others do but until we get that chance to do that what do people think?

John Meadowcroft

unless it is very choppy, the perceived norm is to sheet the jib hard, use a lot of kicker so that the leech of the main is very tight and hike hard.  Tom Stewart and Jon Ibbotson in particular almost sail head to wind.  They sail very upright, Tom tends to heel to windward.


Thanks for that John
Good to know that we are on the right lines
It does make it very hard to find that sweet spot but then i guess thats all part of the fun.