National 12

Silly idea

Started by John Meadowcroft, 10 Mar 2010, 10:29

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John Meadowcroft

Dear all
It is a good thing that we don’t have too many rules on this forum as this is probably not really allowed.
Anyway, who cares.  I am running the London Marathon on April 25th.  I am seeking to raise money for the Smile Train â€" a charity which supports facial surgery for children in the 3rd world.
Many of you know my oldest son, Ollie.  He is a relatively inexperienced but surprisingly keen National 12 sailor.  He has had facial surgery as he was born with a cleft palate.  Ollie was born in the right place.  He is a lucky boy and I am running on behalf of those who are for many reasons not so lucky.
Training is going well so far â€" a longest run of more than 17 miles which I expect to exceed this weekend.  If you can sponsor me it would be greatly appreciated.  £150 changes a child’s life by funding a cleft repair.  Every pound makes a difference.
Finally thanks to my N12 friends who have helped me with my training so far, and for those who are booked in for future runs.  You know who you are and your help is really appreciated!
Thank you
John Meadowcroft


I think it is an excellent idea john and I fully support the use of the discussion group for such purposes, I hope all goes well.
All smoke and Mirrors. N2153, 2969, 3411


Jane Wade

The silly idea was running the marathon!  However I applaud the fundraising and think it is for a very worthwhile cause.  I hope you raise loads of cash and surprise yourself with your running ability.
Jane x


Well done! 3 hr 59 min 32sec


Very well done indeed. The question is, did you want to do it again as soon as you finished (not right away but another year)? I think finsishing is one of the best feelings I have experienced and one I will never forget.

I did it 4:24:24 if you are interested 2008 just need to do it or another one some day soon.  

Alistair Edwards

27 years ago I decided to run a marathon. Despite training hard I found it very tough and have never been tempted to try another one!
I had the classic 'hitting the wall' experience at 20 miles and thought for about 5 minutes I would not be able to finish. I found some reserves of energy from somewhere and managed to finish in 3 hours 29 minutes. Some things you only need to do once in a lifetime!
Well done John.
N3517 Carbon Paw Print (Big Issue 2)
N2903 Maxim (Paper Dart)
Previously N3143 Catatonic (Tigress)


I have always found the inspiration to run for anything more than a train very difficult to come by and am therefore always somewhat nonplussed by those who undertake marathon running: should I regard them as harmless eccentrics or role models to aspire to? Whatever, it is a fantastic achievement and the cheque is in the post.


I felt the need to run to the bar once... does that count?
aka Simon Hopkins<br />3252 Silent Running<br />Ex 3230, 3413, 3470, 3236