National 12


Started by tom white, 10 Aug 2009, 03:12

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tom white

Hi its Tom the owner of Le Shed (N2765)

 I am going to be attending all of the Midlands open meetings this year (Redesmere, Olton Mere, Trent Valley) and the last Gill series race at Northampton. I have been making ammendments and alterations to my boat as repairs were needed and she needed a new coat of paint. I've recently bought a new set of sails from P&B and i need to get them measured. I also need to get my boat weighed. Roger Angell had a quick weigh on some scales of his and the hull itself weighed over 78kg but i need it weighed properly.

I was just wondering if anyone who can measure the sails and weigh the boat would pop to Redesmere, Olton Mere or Trent Valley if possible?

Measurers can reach me via email and i'll get back to you as soon as i can or i will check this thread as much as i can for any replies.
Email address-
Any response would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks,
Tom White :)


It's worth remembering that Twelve measurers all give a huge amount of time with no reward to enable us all to sail legally.  So, unless you can find a measurer who is going to one of those meetings anyway, your best course of action would be to contact whoever lives nearest to you and take the boat and sails round to them.  In any case, weighing a boat needs to be done with a gantry and that's hard to set up for a one-off weighing in a dinghy park.  For local meetings, I don't think anyone will worry too much that your boat hasn't been re-weighed following work, especially if you've checked it with Roger Angell, but you're right to get the sails measured before using them competitively.
Mike D

tom white

Thanks for the advice :D It's helped :)

I will get onto it as soon as possible.

I'll get searching :)

Thanks again,
Tom (N2765)  :)


John Sears sails at Trent Vally, There's an Open there in Sept. He's in the year book.

Dare Barry (Guest)

Hi. If any measurer is coming to the IOW for any reason would love to hear from you as I have a new main that needs your tape measure., or if you were near Porstmouth I could meet you.
Cheers Dare