National 12

Scottish champs.

Started by GregPitt, 28 Mar 2009, 10:43

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Tim Gatti

I'd just like to add my thanks for another brilliant weekend at Annandale SC - I thought last year's event was good but this seemed better - there was certainly more wind.  For those of you who weren't there a big 'well done' to Mark and Emma on becoming the 2009 N12 Scottish champions and congratulations to Jo and Greg, new comers to the Class, who pushed them all the way to take 2nd place. 
Sailing Med's old boat 'Max Factor', they put on an impressive performance - especially given that this was their first competitive event in a 12 and they'd only taken the boat out a few times previously 'to get the hang of how it all hung together' as Greg modestly put it during the Curry Evening on the Saturday night.  What a pity they can't get down to Thorpe Bay.

A big thanks also to Cathy Hugo who stood in for Yvonne for a couple of windy races and shared some time with me both in and out of the boat in the very cold waters of Castle Loch- my learning curve in the recently acquired  'Baggy' was very steep!  In short, a really worthwhile event which deserves an even bigger turnout next year.  See you there.


Yes another brilliant event put on by Annandale. even if the wind was a bit stronger than I ordered. can hardly move today though. By the time I got home last night I had started to seize up something cronic.
The freak out is certainly more fun than the crusader although we do need to move a bit quicker ourselves. Bit more practise needed.
Excellent choice for the ladybird prize by the way kenny.;D
All smoke and Mirrors. N2153, 2969, 3411


Presumably I will need to write a brick style official citation...


And I should say that without John I would probably never have owned, and possibly never sailed a National 12. And I wouldn't be half the sailor I am today. :'(8)

John Hugo

Thanks Ken and Angus.   For helping me win an award without sailing my own boat.   Look out for me when I have read the Ladybird Book of Sailing.
It was great to get an excellent turn-out.   I hope you will all be back with increased numbers next year.   Annandale really likes to host N12 events, and Andrew G was very complementary, and said what a pleasure it was to run the event for such a well behaved fleet.  

Tim Gatti

It was really good to see such high levels of enthusiasm and skill being displayed by some much younger 12 sailors than those already mentioned, despite the challenging racing conditions.  In particular, in the teenage bracket, Andrew Mitchell and Rohan Beyts crewing for Bernard Clark and Angus Beyts, (3rd and 6th respectively) and in the 12 yrs and under bracket - the father/son /daughter combinations of Ben Palmer with his dad Chris and Rebecca Bryant with her dad Richard (5th and 7th places) all did extremely well to survive Saturday's squall and still come out smiling on Sunday for the final three races.  Well done. (Ben, I hear, is already looking forward to sailing at Thorpe Bay.)

Crusader 3244

Ah, thanks Tim, I will show this to Ben. I agree conditions were tough for the younger participants. Poor Ben has not made it in to school for two days; on the journey back he exhibited signs of something viral ( cold or flu-like) made worse perhaps by the degree of fatigue. We were *&^£$% !  Some degree of mobility has returned to me through today! 
Great competition mid-fleet and not all plain sailing at the front? Do you have the same impression as me that Max Factor just got better and better with each race? Joanne and Greg are one nice team.
Chris, 3244


Did anyone lose a multitool and spanner in a leather pouch, such a thing was found in the boat park.